Chapter 30

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A meeting was underway to discuss the match between Sasha Banks and Zelina Vega on the upcoming Monday Night Raw show. Along with TJ Wilson, the agent for the match, Grace and Bayley were also sitting in the small office that TJ had been allocated for the day.

Due to the fact that her only involvement in the match was to be at ringside cheering on her Stone Roses teammate, Grace didn't have much to contribute to the discussion. When her phone vibrated in her pocket, it was enough to distract her from the conversation. She took out the device in order to see who had messaged her.

Trevor Campbell: I've not been able to stop thinking about something you said this morning. You said if I was closer to Miami, you would have a job for me. I'm wondering if you were serious about that, because it would be a tempting offer.

Grace's eyes widened a bit in surprise. She typed out a reply.

Are you sure? Chicago to Miami is a big move. Do you have money to do it? What about Tyler? He would be moving away from his friends and his school.

Grace had no doubt that Trevor had already thought about those things, since he wasn't an idiot. Nonetheless, they were answers she needed to get. Soon, a reply arrived.

Trevor Campbell: Tyler doesn't have many friends. His school sucks, and he gets bullied there. There are negative memories here for both of us. A fresh start somewhere else might be ideal for us. I have savings I could probably stretch far enough to fund the move. My lease on my place here is up at the end of February. I was going to renew it, but now I might not. The thing is, yours is a new company. I'm concerned about moving to work for you and the company maybe not working out.

Perfectly understandable, Grace thought. She had once heard someone say once that most companies that failed did so within their first year. Miami Diving Adventures had that hurdle to get over. On the other hand, they had a lot of advantages on their side. She considered what to type back before composing the message.

I get that, Trevor. You would be taking a risk if you took a job with me. I know you've told me you have retail experience, so yes, I am serious about the offer. Consider that while it's true we are a new company, we have an experienced dive instructor on the team. We have a shop in a tried and tested location, we will be selling products at extremely competitive prices, and we're offering services that we know are popular in Miami. I'm very, very confident that the business will work. I'm betting one of my lifetime ambitions on it. A few years from now I'll be done with wrestling, and Miami Diving Adventures will become my dream job.

"Are we boring you, Grace?" TJ asked.

Looking up, Grace saw that everyone in the room had been watching her furiously tapping away at her phone's screen. "Excuse me," she said politely. "Business stuff. I wanted to make sure I replied quickly. I'm done now."

She put her phone back in her pocket and resumed listening to the conversation. The phone vibrated in her pocket again. Grace wanted to read the message, but she forced herself to focus on the meeting. WWE required her full attention when she was working.

Ten minutes later, the meeting was over, with everything in place for that night's match. Walking out into the hallway with the other women, Grace took her phone back out of her pocket and looked at the message that was waiting for her.

Trevor Campbell: You have such passion for this, it's hard to imagine it failing. Gambling pretty much all of my savings on the move is still a tough thing to commit to when I have Tyler to care for. We'd also need to find a place to live, which means a large security deposit to pay, and presumably a few months of rent.

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