Day 1- toilet troubles

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Draco's POV

Draco slammed into the wall "why does this always happen to me!"
"Crabbe and Goyle are always messing things up!"
Draco heard a familiar voice from behind the toilet stall it said " what happened"
Draco whipped around and flicked his gorgeous blonde locks out of his face and saw nothing.
" who is that, is that you potter" Draco yelled
There was no reply.
It is potter that snooping bastard I will get him haha Draco thought.
He burst open the bathroom stall like a boss with his machete and saw a small Harry Potter curled up next to the toilet .
Harry cried "Draciano no!"
"Eat my machete bitch"  Draco screamed
"Stop it I don't like it" Harry said sassily.
Draco looked around and felt his pain and said
"ok bye but until next time prepare to die" and swivelled our of sight dramatically.

Harry POV
Omg harry thought
What the fuck just happened I have to get to the bottom of this.

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