Day 3- shattered heart

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Draco's POV

" Crabbe, Goyle get me more tissues"
Crabbe ran and got tissues.
" omg I miss apple baby I want to die with her"
"Draco it's been 1 whole day since it apparently died" said Goyle sarcastically.
"Are you fucking kidding Goyle she is not an it she was the love of my life and had the key to my heart and she's gone how could you say that" Draco weeped Into his Pinkie pie pillow.
" Oh right sorry Draco but we do have classes and we missed breakfast I'm starving" Crabbe groaned.
" Crabbe I have just lost my one and only sexy goddess and you want to fill your fat face with food I'm am so offended I can't even deal with you go get pansy"
"Ok fine" Crabbe huffed and trotted to the Slytherin common room.

10 minutes later

Crabbe strolled into the room with pansy goddamn Parkinson.
" what took you so long can't you see I'm in pain" Draco cried.
" sorry darling I was just talking to Blaise about the dedication speech I told Dumbledore to say to everyone at breakfast" pansy said in a proud manner.
"WHAT" Draco bellowed.
Draco heard everyone downstairs gasped in fright and tried to lower his voice.
" why in the frick fracking universe did you do that for?"
"I thought it would be a nice thing to do for apple baby" pansy said frightened
"Don't say her name! Why would tell Dumbledore! Omg Dumbledore more like Dumblewhore"

Draco heard an ahem at the doorway and only saw the very Dumbledore he was speaking of.
" is that so mr malfoy" Dumbledore said calmly.
" uhhh no I'm sorry"
" it's fine come with me your parents have come to pick you up"
Draco looked around and got up following dumblewhore to his office.
As they entered Narcissa and Lucius were sitting at Dumbledores desk whispering and stopped abruptly and looked at their son.
" hello mother, father" Draco sniffed while wiping the tears from his eyes
" come Draco we are going home" Lucius said strictly.

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