day 3 part 2- The argument

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Draco and his parents had just stumbled out of their huge fireplace in stud Malfoy manor. Daco never liked travelling by floo powder as it messed up his gorgeous perfectly combed hair.
" father why floo powder I hate floo powder" Draco whined but instantly shut his mouth when he saw his fathers stern yet handsome face.
"Draco please take a seat we need to talk to you" narcissa said in an awkward voice and sat down followed by Lucius.
Draco day down opposite his mother and father.
"Draco we have to talk" narcissa said and turned to her husband.
"It has been brought to our attention by Dumbledore that you have or had an unhealthy obsession with an apple" Lucius said while looking around.
Draco suddenly burst out into tears. Everything was blurry how could his father be so rude about his love?
This is exactly why Draco didn't want his mother and father to find out.
" stop crying deco this is absolutely ridiculous!" Lucius yelled
Narcissa elbowed her husband and whispered " its Draco dear"
" oh yeah right Draco I meant Draco" Lucius said in an embarrassed tone.
This made Draco feel even more upset his father fucked up his name. He was only at Hogwarts this year for 3 months.
Draco whiped his tear away and tried to breath knowing his father would get more annoyed with him if he kept crying.
" so Draco your father and I have become aware of a little problem that happened at school" narcissa calmly said.
Draco didn't know what to say.
He just sat there lips quivering waiting for his parents to continue. 
After a few minutes of awkward silence that made Draco want to die inside his father spoke.
" ok so I'm going to get to the point because I'm sick and tired of your bullshit Draco"
Draco suddenly felt angry with his father. He was being so disrespectful to his feelings and apple baby.
" father what do you mean by bullshit" Draco said in a squeaky voice.
" everything your going on about, this stupid apple that you call apple baby"
Rage ran through Draco veins.
" she is not stupid!" Draco shouted louder than he ever has before.
" how darrrrrrrrrre you, yell at me like that!"
" Lucius honey calm down" narcissa cried
" don't tell me to calm down narcissa, our son is hear trying to tell me that he is in love with a fucking apple he is going to ruin our name and reputation! Lucius screamed Turing red.
" I understand that but
Lucius cut her off
" no you don't now get out of my face so called son before I hurt you so badly you won't be able to walk!
Narcissa has tears in her eyes and said "Draco darling go to your room we will talk later when you father calms down."

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