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Plot: With a wicked stepmother and two jealous stepsisters who keep her enslaved and in rags, Cinderella stands no chance of attending the royal ball. When her fairy godmother appears and magically transforms her reality into a dream come true, Cinderella enchants the handsome Prince Charming at the ball but must face the wrath of her enraged stepmother and sisters when the spell wears off at midnight.


It had been just over a week since Emma and Henry had shown Snow, David and Killian Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Henry even had a list of films he wanted to show his grandparents and Killian!

The next one on Henry's list was Cinderella - the 12th Disney 'Classic'. The film helped saved Walt Disney's company when he was in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy.

Much like last week, Killian came through the door to the loft, seeing Emma and Henry make popcorn - and she walked over to him when she turned around, wrapping him up in a hug. He was still surprised that Emma was showing more and more affection towards him around her family, but he wasn't about to complain.


They were sat on the sofa, Killian on one side of Emma, with Henry on her other, as the very familiar castle appeared on the screen.

As the opening title to Cinderella played, Killian looked down at the woman who in the realm is could be called his 'girlfriend' - but he had very strong feelings for her (maybe even stronger than the ones he had for Milah...)

David couldn't help but let out a laugh when Cinderella and her Prince dance around the ballroom.

This is when Emma remembers something about Ashley. "Poor Ashley," she looks at the popcorn in her hand - just as her father is about to press play.

"What do you mean, Swan?"  Killian asked, looking down at her, as she ate a piece of popcorn.

"Ashley was pregnant throughout the curse, it's only after I came to Storybrooke that she gave birth. Being pregnant with him was a nightmare," Emma pointed to Henry, remembering the sickness, indigestion (when she was pregnant with Henry) and the surprise of Gallstones after she gave him up. "Ashley was pregnant for 28 years! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!" Emma said, running her fingers through her son's hair - and curled up into Killian's side.


There wasn't much commentary for this film rather than the previous one of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, however, Emma knew that once the film was over Killian would have questions.

Once the film was over, Emma got up from her seat and went to collect the DVD from the player, Henry got up from his seat - put the bowl in the sink and went to bed.

Emma pressed a kiss to Henry's forehead as everyone else in the living room wished him a good night, and he went up the stairs and to bed. Killian smiled at Emma's son - glad that the lad was back to his 'usual' self, and was glad to see him smiling.

"Swan, I have just one question over the moving pictures," Killian said, making Emma smile over the pirate in her life, clicked the DVD back into its case, and put it on the shelf. With a nod from her, he spoke his question. "If the shoe was made perfectly to fit her foot, why did it fall off?" He asked.

This made Emma think for a second. "I used to wear glasses until I went to prison, and there were a few number of times where the was some kind of dance, not like the one we went to," this made Killian smile, remembering dance that they had attended in the past.

"But I think with the amount of dancing and walking that she did, her feet got really warm and I think it just slipped off,"

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