Mary Poppins

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Plot: When Jane and Michael, the children of the wealthy and uptight Banks family, are faced with the prospect of a new nanny, they are pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the magical Mary Poppins. Embarking on a series of fantastical adventures with Mary and her Cockney performer friend, Bert, the siblings try to pass on some of their nanny's sunny attitude to their preoccupied parents.


When Emma told Killian that instead of an animated Disney film, it was more of a live-action film (which she explained to him that it was actual people performing in front of the camera). She explained that the leading lady - who plays the title character, was also in The Sound of Music as well as The Princess Diaries as she also does the voice of The Queen in the Shrek films that Henry likes a lot.

She had shown him The Princess Diaries earlier in the week (after they'd been out to dinner and gone back to her apartment, as Henry was spending the night at Regina's), it wasn't her favourite film - it was up there - but Emma really did want to introduce more films to the pirate.

It was the first 'live-action' Disney film that Emma could even remember watching, and Killian turned up that evening, with dinner for the three of them, she was glad to be showing him the film.


Emma was about halfway through her bag of onion rings, and finishing off her grilled cheese sandwich - when there was a knock at the apartment door. Emma looked over at Henry, then at Killian - none of them were expecting anybody. Emma simply shoved the remaining part of her sandwich into her mouth and stood up to answer the door.

"I'll do it, Swan," Killian said, standing up also - he pressed a kiss to the top of his love's head and went to answer the door. 

On the other side of the door; was Emma's mother, father and baby brother. The glares that David has been giving the pirate have been very, very slowly getting softer as he was becoming used to the centuries-old man being in his daughter's life. He would never want his little girl to be with such a man (but in the land without magic, she gets to chose who she dates, or marries). He would just simply have to get used to the man in his daughter's life.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, popping another onion ring into her mouth, as her mother passed baby Neal into the arms of Henry. Henry held little Neal by his back and started bouncing the baby on his lap (it's something he had seen his grandfather do many times since the baby was born).

"It's movie night," is all Snow said, as she walked over to Emma's little microwave and put in the bag of popcorn she got from one of Emma's cupboards, and set the microwave off. Emma was still confused as to how Snow knew where everything was in Emma's apartment, but she wasn't about to question it.


Despite how much Emma hated that her baby brother was named after her ex, she still cradled him in her arms as she jokingly pulled his toy away from him whenever he reached out for it. Whenever the baby made a shriek of joy, Emma laughed as well, and when Killian looked over and saw Emma entertaining her little brother (he doesn't really remember his childhood) but on the Jolly Roger, hidden in a pocket of Liam's uniform that he kept tucked away, was a hand-drawn picture of a young Liam cradling a baby version of himself.

Killian smiled, he decided that he should show the sketch of Liam and him to Emma at some point - as he made his way over (Henry trailing behind, playing on some kind of miniature video game device that he was carrying around) and put the bowl of popcorn of the little coffee table as little Neal grabbed onto his finger - which he almost put in his mouth.


It turns out that Mary Poppins was a favourite of Killian's once the film finished. Before the DVD was played - Emma handed her little brother over to Snow after this, she curled up happily into Killian's arms.

Henry looked over at his mother and his possible step-father (one day...) who were happily curled in each and watching the film set in front of them.

With the film finished, David went to deal with the DVD and the player, as Emma turned to look at Killian. "Did you like this one?" She asked, wrapping her arm along the back of the sofa - as she ran her fingers through the bottom parts of his hair.

"Aye, love. It was a nice tale, not one I had heard before," Killian said, leaning his head back slightly into Emma's hand as she stroked his scalp (it's something Milah did once or twice when they were together, but since he started courting/'dating' Emma, it's something she's done more than 10 times over the past 2 weeks).

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