The Sword in the Stone

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Plot: This Disney adaptation of the classic fable chronicles King Arthur's humble beginnings. As an orphaned child, Arthur, who was then known as Wart, wants to help his foster brother, Kay, succeed in becoming a knight. While helping Kay train, Wart stumbles upon a cabin belonging to Merlin, a bumbling but talented wizard. Merlin does his best to convince the boy that he is bound for greatness, and when Wart and Kay travel to London to attend a jousting contest, they learn that Merlin was right.


Emma hasn't seen The Sword in the Stone many times (the main one, was as a child - living in a group home in Boston), and the time she does remember is when an usher told her not to 'touch it', which confused her then as it still is today. 

But she often chose not to question it, and let the strange usher and his strange words lay in the back of her mind - forgotten.

Killian was still frustrated with the Disney version of himself and the story he is portrayed in. He now understands the 'moustache and perms are your thing' that Emma said on Neverland.

But he is turning into a hero, it's something he was long before Milah died at the hands of Rumplestiltskin, but when his brother (the only member of his own family that stayed by him) was killed.

It's something that made Emma smile, whenever she saw the goodness in Killian resurfacing, and the more Emma smiled at this, the more he did it. Killian had heard the majority of Emma's childhood (August 'finding' her on the side of the road, being abandoned by the same child in a children's home, bouncing around from place to place - losing hope every time that she would never be adopted. But it never came. Then Neal happened, and jail, giving Henry up for his best chance at life).


When Emma had told Killian that it was 'The Sword in the Stone' tonight, and lightly relayed the tale of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Killian remembered the tale of myth and legend that Liam had told him many centuries ago.

"Aye, love, I remember being told that legend when I was a lad, my brother told me," Killian said, making Emma look up at him - as they left the restaurant they had dined at that night.

Killian held open the door for his love, as she stepped out in the cold air and wrapped her jacket around her a bit more, as she stood in the doorway waiting for Killian. "Brother? You had a brother?" She smiled, as the door shut behind him and he held his elbow out for the woman in his life.

"Liam. He was called Liam," Killian bowed his head for a second, remembering the brother that he looked up to. " But I will tell you the tale later," Killian promised, as they set off for Emma's apartment, arms hooked together and smiles on their faces.


Emma had phoned Killian earlier in the day, telling him that they would be watching the film at David and Snow's (she was still tentatively calling them 'mom and dad').

Killian promised her that he would be there in time for the film's 'première'.

Emma rolled her eyes when he said that, having told him numerous times since they started showing the fairytale characters the tales that Emma and Henry grew up knowing, that they had been out for years and it wasn't classed as the première.

But it always made her smile. So he always said it.


The little prince had calmed down after his grouchy state last week, as Snow had told him (when she came to visit him on his ship, with the said little prince), that the film would be played at the loft.

Killian bowed a little and complied to her royal highness' wishes. He turned up at the agreed-upon time over a month ago (it still surprised him that the little town of Storybrooke has been quiet and peaceful for this long), and rapped politely on the door, waiting to be allowed in.

Emma, Henry and Snow had told Killian multiple times that he could simply come in, but the pirate knew that he still wasn't on the best terms with Emma's father - Prince Charming.

As it was that man who opened the door to Killian. "Hook," is all he said, and then Killian saw the beautiful face of Emma over her father's shoulder.

"Dad, leave him alone," she said, shooing him away from the door, which allowed Killian in, as she wrapped her arms snuggly around his neck.

Killian could see David rolling his eyes behind Emma's back. It still didn't sit right with him that Emma's father didn't accept him (but he was a pirate, so he understands it to some extent, but he was changing to the man he used to be).


The popcorn was done, the player was turned on and the disc was inserted to the player and ready to... Well, play.

Killian sat as far away from David as he possibly could, earning no response from the man, but Emma sat beside in (in the middle of the sofa) as Henry curled up in next to her, with David and Snow talking the chair - curled up together.


Killian whispered to Emma (in parts) the tales that Liam had told him, and the rumours he heard throughout his years at sea.

Emma found it to be nice that Killian remembered the stories that his brother had told him probably 2½ centuries ago. Even though her father kept looking over at them and was silently telling them to be quiet, she always sent him a look back and curled into Killian's side more.


When the film was finished and the credits were rolling, Emma properly turned to Killian to see what he thought.

The pirate turned his own head when he felt his eyes on him, and he saw that slowly familiar look on her face. Her silent question of whether or not he liked it.

"Highly entertaining, the Disney fellow should be proud of himself," Killian smiled, and then Emma looked down at Henry (even though they told him when Walt Disney passed away, they never told him the last film he was ever able to 'put his name to' so to speak...).

"Killian, it was the last one he saw released to the public..." She said, making a sad look fall over his face.

Killian sort of bowed his head in the universal sign of mourning and stayed quiet for a minute. Emma knew that Killian was starting to like the work that Disney had put out, despite how wrong Peter Pan was.

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