Sleeping Beauty

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Plot: Filled with jealousy, the evil witch Maleficent curses Princess Aurora to die on her 16th birthday. Thanks to Aurora's guardian fairies, she only falls into a deep sleep that can be ended with a kiss from her betrothed, Prince Phillip. To prevent Phillip from rescuing Aurora, Maleficent kidnaps and imprisons him. The good fairies are the last hope to free Phillip so that he can awaken Aurora.


It had been 2, almost 3 years since the Charming-Blanchard-Mills-Swan-Jones had sat down and watched the next Disney film that they wanted to show the reformed pirate. Since they watched Mary Poppins, they had to deal with 'The Queens of Darkness' - Ursula, Cruella de Vil and the alive Maleficent. After they were defeated, Emma took the darkness (saving Regina and the town), they took a trip to Camelot, Killian almost died which resulted in Emma turning him into a Dark One. Emma hated thinking about when she had to run Excalibur through Killian - killing him and sending him to the underworld. The Charming-Blanchard-Mills-Hood-Swan crew headed down to the underworld to bring Killian back (which they couldn't at the same time they met Killian's older brother Liam). As a result of them beating Hades, Robin was killed, but Killian was brought back. They defeated Mr Hyde and the Evil Queen, then the final battle was faced and fought (almost costing Emma her life, but a true love's kiss from Henry brought her back).

Now that everything has calmed down, Killian and Emma settled into wedded bliss (while still dealing with the fallout from the final battle), Henry had written down the Disney films that they had shown his new stepfather, and then wrote down the films that they wanted to show him (he kept adding to the list as time went by and films were being released by the week).

When Henry walked into the living room of his mother and step-father's home, they were curled up in each other as Emma read a magazine and Killian did some crossword. Henry took the DVD he brought from his room at Regina's place - he simply haded the DVD of Sleeping Beauty from 1959, over to Emma and then headed to the kitchen to make the popcorn (which was rather quickly becoming a running theme when they watched the Disney movies.

Emma smiled at Henry's retreating form and looked over to Killian (who was looking at the cover he now held in his hand). "Who is this 'Sleeping Beauty' in Storybrooke, Swan?" He asked, making her laugh softly and rest her head on his shoulder.

"It's Aurora, the one we met in the Enchanted Forest, she went to that first-time mother's thing mom went to..." Emma told Killian, she was still sensitive when Mary Margaret was terrified of her own daughter the few occasions that her magic was out of control.

Killian nodded (now remembering the pregnant woman that they were greeted by when Emma and Henry had to go over the town line to escape Pan's curse. The year that he had to go without seeing Emma, knowing that she was away somewhere in the Land Without Magic, that she didn't know who he was, what they had gone through.

He had spent that entire year trying to go back to the pirate he was before he met Emma Swan, but he couldn't do it. She had unknowingly embedded herself into his heart - and he really didn't what to let her go. It is a possibility that at this time, he was more in love with Emma than he ever was with Milah...)


When Killian saw the fairly familiar castle, that now had the little animated version of Tinker Bell flying around, which made him smile. Emma ran her fingers through Killian's hair - everything was now settling down, and their married life was becoming more and more familiar by the day. 

"You know that is actually called the Sleeping Beauty Castle?" Emma tells him, making her new husband look down at him.

"Really?" He asked, making her nod, as she scratched the base of his skull.


When the spinning wheels were being burnt, and when Princess Aurora pricked her finger on the needle - sending her into a deep sleep for a very long time, Killian looked down at his hook - and thought about a possible child that he could share with Emma (now that the visions that had been haunting her were over). 

He knew his hook was a dangerous weapon - he had used it in that way for centuries, but the slim idea of having a child (a baby) with his true love, it always terrified him. He never had a good 'father figure' only when Liam took beatings and whips for him during the years they were enslaved on ships.

Emma smiled when Henry got up to deal with the DVD, with a wave of his hand, he wished them goodnight and proceeded to go up to bed. She smiled at her son and then turned to look at the man she married. "What did you think, babe?" She asked, Emma now freely let the nicknames she once despised loose and it always managed to make Killian's cheeks flush a dusting of pink.

"I must be truthful, love," Killian sighed, slightly hanging his head in shame. "I must have only viewed half of the moving picture," Killian admitted, making Emma tilt her head so that she can properly look at him.

"Is there something going on in that head of yours?" She asked, shuffling in her seat so that her legs rested over Killian's lap and brought his face to look at her.

Killian took Emma's hand in his only one. The hand that he picked up just so happened to be her left hand. He ran his thumb over the diamond and simple engraved band as he spoke. "I was thinking about those spinning wheels, and the needle that the princess gets pricked with," Killian starts, feeling Emma rub her hand along his neck. "How the needle is like a weapon. Like my hook," This made Emma suck in a breath, wondering where he is going with this. "If or when we have a child or maybe children of our own, I'd never want to harm them because of this," he holds his hook between him and his wife. He knew he wanted children with his wife, but after her experience in prison with Henry - he didn't know if she did.

She smiled softly and wrapped her other hand around his hook - another part of him that she loved. "Killian, when the time comes, we'll cross that bridge," Emma says, saying without words that she wanted a child/children with him. He smiled as he rested his forehead against hers.

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