The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh

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Plot: Sebastian Cabot narrates the adventures of bumbling bear Winnie the Pooh as he battles a nest of vicious bees over a trove of honey, weathers a terrible wind storm and endures the foibles of the hyperactive tiger Tigger, all while singing and bumbling his way through the Hundred Acre Wood. Kanga, Piglet, Owl, Rabbit and Eeyore round out the menagerie in this trio of animated tales adapted from A.A. Milne's celebrated series of children's books.


With Hope now in the world, Killian and Emma had been swamped in looking after her and raising her into the happy girl they now see in front of them.

Hope was the happiest, sweetest baby in the entire world. Killian loved her with everything he had, it was similar to how much he loved Emma - but it was different.

He always woke up at the crack of dawn, when he heard Hope start whimpering in her bassinet. He cradled her in his arms, humming an old enchanted forest nursery rhyme, sitting on the edge of the bed that he shares with his wife.

When Hope wakes up that early in the morning, Killian either decides to curl back up in bed with Emma or he'd take her downstairs and start making breakfast to bring up to his wife - Emma has been getting breakfast in bed in more recent times since she married the captain of the Jolly Roger.


Tonight was movie night for the small family, Henry spending time with his wife and daughter, David and Snow were spending time with the young prince (as well as helping the cattle births).

Emma carried Hope on her hip, as the baby chewed on a toy that Henry bought her when she was born. It made Emma's heart swell whenever Henry and Hope interacted, her two babies - even though Henry was no longer her little kid.

She walked into the living room, seeing Killian playing with the TV, jabbing the remote with his hook, a frustrated look on his face.

"Swan, how do you change this thing to play a moving picture?" Killian states, not needing to look up to know that the gentle footfalls are that of his wife - as the muffled cooing came from his daughter.

Emma let out a mocking sigh and took it from his hand. She pressed one button on the remote, and the TV changed to the DVD player. "It's called a DVD, Killian," she told him, she had told him this half a million times since they started dating!

Killian gave her a good-natured eye roll and sat down on the sofa. A pull of Emma's arm had her sat next to him, Hope now squished between them. The young blonde didn't care that she was squished between her parents, she looked up the faces she was easily coming to recognise and cooed.

As Winnie-the-Pooh played in the background, the bright colours holding a fair amount of Hope's attention - most of it was held by her parents who cooed, peppered and smothered the little girl with so much attention.

When Hope's eyes were focused on the bright colours in front of her, Emma looked up at Killian - who's focus was locked on Hope, a soft smile on his face. Hope was quickly becoming his whole world, a time when Emma held that title, but she was happy to hand it over to her little girl. The centre of daddy's world.

Killian felt the eyes on him and looked up to see a soft look on Emma's face as she gazed at him. "Yes?" He asks, raising one of his expressive eyebrows. He wasn't all that confused as to why his wife was looking at him in this way, but he wasn't complaining.

Emma smiled at Killian. "I love you," it still sent flutters throughout Killian when she said those three precious words first - or in reply to him.

"I love you too, Swan," Killian took Emma's hand in his and pressed a gentlemanly kiss to the back of it.

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