The Muppet Christmas Carol

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Plot: The Muppets perform the classic Dickens holiday tale, with Kermit the Frog playing Bob Cratchit, the put-upon clerk of stingy Ebenezer Scrooge. Other Muppets -- Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie Bear and Sam the Eagle -- weave in and out of the story, while Scrooge receives visits from spirits of three Christmases -- past, present and future. They show him the error of his self-serving ways, but the miserable old man seems to be past any hope of redemption and happiness.


With Christmas quickly rounding on the peaceful town of Storybrooke, Henry wanted to introduce the pirate to a Christmas classic - A Christmas Carol, however, this adaptation was the Muppet's version.

"What is this Christmas Carol thing, Swan?" Killian asked, sitting on the sofa next to his gorgeous wife, smiling down at her. Her eyes were twinkling up at him. He loves seeing her eyes sparkle, it was only once they started 'dating' as everyone in this realm just so happens to say.

"It's about Ebenezer Scrooge, he essentially hates Christmas and I really don't want to say anymore because it might spoil the film," Emma said to her husband, her hand sat at the nape of his neck as she started playing with the hair there.

"This Ebenezer fellow, he is mocked and made fun of, how you called your father that earlier this week?" Killian asked, tilting his head slightly - not so much that Emma's hand is removed from his head, but so much that he looked as confused as he sometimes does in this realm.

"You'll just have to watch it, Killian," Emma said to him as Henry hit play on the X-Box control, and the DVD started running.


Even though Killian had never seen anything related to the Muppets - he could understand the story, but still had questions over who the characters were not only in the Charles Dickens novel but within the Muppets themselves.

As Statler and Waldorf played Jacob and Robert Marley (Emma had to point out that in the original tale and every adaptation, that it is only Jacob Marley, and only added Robert because the pair of Muppets were a duo).

The film continued, Scrooge was informed that he would be visited by 3 spirits (that Henry and Emma knew to be the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet-to-Come).

The Ghost of Christmas Past was a sweet childlike ghost who took him to his childhood and early adulthood. With Mr Fezziwig - now being called Fozziwig and played by Fozzie Bear. The Ghost also showed Scrooge falling in love with a young, sweet lady named Belle. No matter which version of A Christmas Carol that Emma watches, she always slightly tears up when Scrooge chooses money over love.

Killian wrapped his arm around his wife and comforted her as he could see the tears welling up in her eyes. Henry knew that the first Christmas that his mom spent with his now step-father, is when Emma started tearing up at this part of A Christmas Carol.


Following the Ghost of Christmas Past, was the Ghost of Christmas Present, a gigantic jolly ghost who showed Scrooge the wonders of Christmas Day. The spirt told Scrooge that little Tiny Tim probably wouldn't live to see the next Christmas.

The scene then changes suddenly, turning from the Cratchit's home to a cemetery. This is where the spirit disappears (along with Dickens/Gonzo and Rizzo) and leave the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come in their wake.

Every adaptation Emma has seen, the Ghost of Christmas Yet-to-Come always looks similar to to the Grim Reaper - or more commonly known simply as Death), she quickly felt a shiver run down her spine, making Killian look down at her as he reached over with his hook to get a blanket out of a chest (similar to the one he had brought with him when he moved in) and cover them with it.

A group of businessmen were discussing the death of an unnamed colleague, and would only attend the funeral if lunch was provided. Scrooge recognised his charwoman, laundress and a local funeral director who were trading several stolen possessions of whoever died, to take them to a moving man named Old Joe.

The spirit then takes Scrooge back to the cemetery, Emma still cringed remember Killian's own grave when she lost him to death for a while. It would take a while before Emma would be able to get over Killian's death, much like it would take some time for Killian to get used to Emma being here with him rather than her being dead.

The film ends with Scrooge buying a turkey, doing charity work, spreading happiness and joy around London. He raises Bob's salary and to pay off his mortgage. Scrooge also became a secondary father to Tiny Time, who was able to survive the illness that had crippled him.

"God bless us, every one!" 


Emma smiled at Killian, as Henry went to take the DVD out as well as turn the X-Box and TV off, she reached up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, exactly where his scar sits.

Killian looked down at her and smiled, he loved Emma with everything he had. His true love, he'd knew he had been in love with his Swan probably when they got to Neverland (possibly even before that) but she'd held his heart in her hands long before she actually held it in her hands when the Crocodile tried to kill him. If he had never met Emma, he's certain that he would be dead, he was so deep into his revenge, it's unbelievable how Emma was able to pull him away from it!

Emma was so deep in being alone for the rest of her life. It was Henry who brought her home, and to a life of love. Killian knew he had Henry to thank for that, and he will be forever grateful that the lad changed his mother's heart.

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