Chapter 1: A Busy Life

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Author: DeviDale / HiruMamo2019

Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 is NOT and will never be mine. If it was, HiruMamo would have been shown to have gotten married and had lots of children. Lol.

Eyeshield 21 is written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Yusuke Murata. Kudos to them.

Pairing: HiruMamo of course!

Rating: M

A/N: This is my fourth fanfic about Es21 and HiruMamo. I wrote this after A Dangerous Rival from July 29, 2019 onwards.

Summary: Jealousy is normal in every relationship. It can serve as an instrument to break people apart or draw them together. It can make love fade away or glow brighter than before. What hand will it play for Hiruma Youichi and Anezaki Mamori? Hiruma played as a pro in the NFL right after univeristy. Mamori became a teacher as she pursued higher education. Both are living different lives. Will jealousy be their ally or their ruin?

Chapter 1: A Busy Life

It was a very busy day for Mamori. It had been for every single day the whole month; or rather, during her two years of working while pursuing further studies. But today was especially hectic. She had reports due today at the kindergarten she works at, and she had spent hours at night preparing it. She also had to review for her final exams in graduate school. She barely had any sleep.

The school she was teaching at was also having a program so she had to help facilitate. Since the management knew that she was very capable and competitive, she was given a lot of tasks despite just submitting her reports. Still, she accomplished all of it much more than what was expected. Not a word of complain escaped her mouth.

After the program, she had to attend a football match as an analyst and commentator in a high school in Tokyo. She was often invited to such events due to being the manager of the legendary Deimon Devil Bats and the epic Saikyoudai Wizards along her experience in handling the Football All Stars in both the Japan Youth National Football League during her high school and tertiary years. And with most of the members of her former team, playing in the NFL and the X-league, her popularity rose as well.

It was harder and harder everyday to refuse attending games. Some schools had even asked her to be a coach or manager since she's very well-versed in football strategies and rules. However, Mamori refused all of them. She sometimes thinks that she's way too blessed and she didn't deserve all those. She was both thankful and annoyed at the person who dragged her into this "mess".

Although she holds football dearly, she can't attend every single game in Tokyo and other parts of Japan. She's busy with her teaching career and office work while she was also pursuing higher education and participating in several research teams. Being a coach sounded good but she simply doesn't have the time.

Becoming the manager - it was a totally different matter. She knew deep inside that even if she accepted one, she would not be able to work with them the way she wanted. She was way too used to having a devious maniacal genius gambler of captain and quarterback to deal with that she cannot work as a normal manager anymore. She can only be the manager of that person.

"Mamori-san," Riko Kumabukuro's voice dragged Mamori to the present. Riko followed the path of her father and became a journalist focused on covering American football. "Thank you for your hardwork," Riko handed her a sandwhich and a bottle of water.

"Thank you," Mamori gladly accepted. She did not even realize it was already lunch time. "You too Riko-chan. You always do your best as well," Mamori smiled. They have become friends after being in so many football games together. "And I think I've said this a couple of times already. You can just call me Mamori."

"No way. You're a sensei (teacher). And a super football manager cum analyst. What will happen if I accidentally call you by name while on stage? Your avid fans will kill me for info," Riko snorted. When she had said that she was in good terms with Anezaki Mamori, schools she was supposed to interview kept on bugging her for Mamori's schedule or ask the latter on their behalf to attend a game on their side, be their coach or manager, send bribery gifts, get her personal number, etc. Riko didn't want that nightmare again. "The car's here. Let's go." They both hurried inside company car that always drives Riko to her interviewees.

The two started eating their sandwich, which would serve as their lunch. Since the football game had to extend to overtime, the two ladies lost their precious time for a meal. Riko had to cover for another event while Mamori needs to rush to her exams.

"I never thought being in the real work force was so hard," Riko complained.

Mamori laughed. "Yes, me too. But it's fun like this, right?"

"Yeah. This is why they call us as masochists." Riko sighed. She complains sometimes but not at heart. She enjoys her job, along with pressure it brings and Riko could see that Mamori was the same. They were both still young that many people tell them to relax a bit and enjoy their youth but being this driven is how they enjoy it.

"Please stop in front of the gate," Mamori told the driver and gathered her things. "Thank you for the ride." She said her goodbyes to Riko and hurried to her exams. She regretted not driving her car.

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