Chapter 5: Hiruma Youichi

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A/N: Thank you for reading! Please feel free to comment / rant / critique.

I also publish in FFN, Live Journal, Deviant Art, Archive of Our Own as HiruMamo 2019 or Devi Dale. You might want to check those as well. By the way, if you are looking for more HiruMamo works, there is a group in LJ and they have published a lot of HiruMamo and ES21 fanfics. I recommend works of cherry tiger, icyblu, garguantuan, ryudell / kitake neru, hellosugah, bifacialler, and many more. I can't remember all the names but there are many good works out there.

And one more important thing, LOL: I'm planning on putting smut / lemon on future chapters of this story, I wonder if you'd like it or should I just keep writing this in a conservative manner? What do you think?

Chapter 5: Hiruma Youichi

Sarah and Ako knew they needed to keep their mouths shut and just watch how things are going to unfold. They have had always thought of Mamori's boyfriend as a very dangerous guy. They would have never allowed their friend to be with him if they had the power to do so. But Hiruma isn't a guy they could mess with. Most especially, since their dearest friend had already fallen so hard for him. They both knew it since high school that no matter what they say, Mamori would follow Hiruma even to the ends of the earth; if that was ever gonna happen.

In high school, since Mamori became the manager of the football team: and started to speak so fondly of the evil guy, Sarah and Ako had done their best to prevent things from going further. They knew there was something else when their best friend remained in the Devil Bats even long after Sena had revealed his identity as Eyeshield 21.

Sarah and Ako tried to keep Mamori's attention to studies, the disciplinary committee, and to them. They even encouraged Mamori to go on dates to divert her. When she refused, they resorted to blind dates. It didn't work. They tried group outing and group dates. But their friend just wasn't there. Her mind was in American Football, the team, and the guy who dragged her and her beloved Sena into it.

Yes, Hiruma was the culprit. He was the reason that Mamori just couldn't find any guy interesting no matter who Ako and Sarah set up. The bewitching devil of their school had already entranced their best friend way too much that she just cannot part from the dazzling world he had shown her.

The world of American football where people like them thrive. Where those who defy their limits, headstrong people who smiled through their tears, people who just do not know when to give up; shine gloriously, as they give their all on the field even if for just one more play.

Mamori was captivated; and so were they. Soon, even Ako and Sarah always went to watch the football games. Not only to support their friend and their school; but also because they were enthralled by the spirit of the American football team, and beguiled by the unpredictable trick plays of the devious Hiruma. They finally comprehended why their friend was so dedicated to the game. Soon, they also understood why Mamori was so devoted to Hiruma Youichi.

Many often wondered what was in the guy. Why did everyone in the team follow him so faithfully? The team looked like they were blindly relying but they were resolute and undaunted despite Hiruma's seemingly suicidal actions. It wasn't blind reliance. It wasn't just because they had no choice.

Hiruma gave them choices. He made sure the team would be able to have as much choices as possible; and he waited patiently for them to realize what they needed to know and understand. He knew when to push and when to shut his mouth. He pulled the trigger when necessary, but he made sure to always leave a ladder for them climb on.

Hiruma Youichi is a very interesting piece both to male and females alike. He has the charm of a leader and he leads to win. Still, there was something more. Something only those who had played with him on the field, and those who have paid a very close watch to him understood. And it took time and convincing from Mamori before Ako and Sarah finally admitted it.

Hiruma Youichi is a very lovable person. He is human. He has feelings. And even he, can fall in love. That is, if you can see beyond his foul mouth, weird antics, and his massive collection of arms. After all, he is a man who had built thick series of walls around him, that only Mamori was able to break so easily. He is a complicated being.

Ako and Sarah sighed as they watched Mamori try to calm her lover who is for some unknown reason, in a surly mood on his girlfriend's birthday. A complicated man indeed.

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