Chapter 3: The Special One

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A man in a gray suit was walking towards them. He was 196 cm (6'4) tall and you could tell even through his clothes that he has a muscular built. He has an air of elegance about him and looked really hot. He has blonde spiky hair.

He was wearing a poker face. But if you look closer, he has a sharp look and his emerald eyes were gleaming dangerously. His eyes were directed straight at Mamori as if he did not even notice the existence of her friends.

Ako and Sarah shivered involuntarily. They were sensing danger and unconsciously walked behind Mamori. The man looked seriously angry. They had seen him angry a lot of times but the anger this time was totally different and was directed to their beloved friend.

The sound of his footsteps echoed and seconds passed like minutes. Due to the slow passage of time, the two noticed that he doesn't just look angry. They glanced at each other for a second as if to confirm with each other that what they were seeing was true. The blond also looked sad and lonely. Very lonely.

Mamori could not believe her eyes. He's here?! She shivered at the look in his eyes. He is angry. Very angry. At her. He must have seen the guy that kissed her hand and gave her flowers. But why would that make him that so mad that he would glare at her like that?

Her heart crumpled painfully and she wanted to throw her arms around him as she both saw and felt his loneliness, sadness, and longing oozing from him. She wanted to run towards him. But the look of disappointment in his eyes kept her frozen to the ground. He looked very disappointed in her and it broke her courage.

Why? Why would he be disappointed due to something so minor? Did she do something that would make him look at her like this? She never wanted to disappoint this person. She had had always made sure she never disappointed him.

But still, she missed him so much. She had been wanting to see him. She had been waiting for his call or message. Her mind was filled with thoughts of him the entire day despite being very busy.

It dawned on her, she had always run to him when they meet. Not doing so now would only make it seem like she was guilty of doing whatever he was thinking she had done. Whatever he was thinking; she wanted to prove him wrong.

Mamori couldn't take her eyes off of him. His eyes were way too intense. He wasn't allowing her to look away. And she had been longing for those green eyes to look at her. She missed him way too much. And her body acted before her brain. The roses and the present she was holding fell to ground. She run towards Hiruma and hugged him tight. Even tighter than she had always done before.

"Youichi." His name escaped her lips and the blond's eyes softened; but he quickly returned his mask. He wasn't going to forgive her so easily.

Mamori's chest tightened painfully when he didn't hug her back, nor recognize that he had heard her. 'Did I really do something that bad; I won't even get my hug?' She bit her lip and undid her arms around him.

Hiruma noticed her pout. He had always hugged her back at times like this. But not now. Even though he knew she wanted to be hugged back, and his name sounded like the most alluring melody in her voice. Even though she looked so beautiful and radiant despite her messy hair and the look of exhaustion in her eyes that instantly vanished when she saw him. Even though she she smelled so good and felt so warm. Even though he could feel her longing. Even if he was dying inside to hold her, and aching so much to kiss her lips; to let her know just how much he missed her.

No. Not now. He would teach her a lesson. He's possessive. 'What's mine is mine. I don't fucking share.' But all of that was suddenly gone and didn't matter anymore when he saw the look in her eyes. She was holding back her tears.

Mamori's eyes widened when she felt his lips crush hers and it sent volts of electricity in her blood despite the slight touch. It was just a peck; but she felt relieved. He is still kissing her even if he's angry, even if he's disappointed. Her tears escaped her eyes. She didn't even know why she was crying. She didn't want to look like a crybaby and she wasn't one. But she couldn't help it.

'What the hell was I being so selfish for? Making her CRY! And on her birthday too!' Hiruma felt like he was the lowest organism on earth. His finger's found its way to Mamori's cheeks and gently, apologetically, lovingly, dried her tears. He kissed her again. Longer this time, and he held her close.

Even if he didn't say anything, Mamori knew he was sorry. She saw it in his originally cold and expressionless eyes, that now gazed at her so warmly. She felt it when his lips came crushing down on hers again; on how he dried her tears.

Mamori's knees turned to jelly and butterflies turned her stomach upside down. She gasped at the feeling that she missed so much. Knowing fully-well what he could do to her, Hiruma wrapped an arm around her waist and took the opportunity to invade her mouth.

Her eyelids closed again. And before she knew it, her arms slowly snaked around his neck; one grabbing a fistful of his blond locks. She felt him smile against her lips and he deepened the kiss further.

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