Chapter 2: Happy Birthday

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Despite leaving right after the game, Mamori had to rush to graduate school without even a proper meal yet she was almost late. The professor was already in the room when she entered. The test started after 15 minutes and was followed by more subjects.

It was thanks to the sandwich from Riko that Mamori did not collapse halfway. It was 7:00 in the evening when the exams were finally over. She did very well of course; but she was still worried about the results. She always had high standards for herself.

If it weren't for Ako and Sarah who were waiting for her outside the university, Mamori would have forgotten that today was her birthday. The instant she got out of the gate, her two bestfriends run to meet her and gave her warm bear hugs.

"Happy birthday Mamo-kaasan!" the two beamed and handed Mamori their presents. They had contacted each other yesterday and decided to meet up to celebrate Mamori's birthday. As to what to do or where to go, they haven't decided yet.

Mamori stopped her tears from falling. It had been two months since they last met, and seeing their smiles warmed her heart. They were all too busy that it was hard to meet up even though they were all in Tokyo. Good thing they still kept in touch through emails and calls.

"Thank you Ako, Sarah. I really missed you both. Even if we chat every now and then it's still best to meet up like this," Mamori smiled.

"Geez, we knew you'd be like this." Ako patted her friend.

"So, did your boyfriend greet you? What present did he give you?!" Sarah asked in a voice that revealed her excitement. They have had heard from Mamori that he always greets her on this day of the year right after midnight of the previous day. Their friend receives his call or message by 00:01 AM. And his presents for her were all grandiose.

"Eh?" Mamori blinked in realization. Right. He hasn't greeted her yet. He had not contacted her today either. And if he had sent her a present, she would not know until she gets home.

The former Deimon Devil bats members, the old Saikyoudai Wizards, even players and managers from teams they have had played with, former schoolmates; everyone had already sent her their greetings. She had even received presents in her office at the kindergarten. Even Sena and Suzuna who were all the way in New York had already sent their gifts and she received it in the morning before leaving for work. Only that special person that she had been waiting for has not greeted her yet. Her heart tightened.

No he must be very busy. Mamori tried to console herself. She knew he's not the type that forgets. That guy remembers everything. If he had not contacted her yet, then that mean he is extremely busy and needed concentration.

Yes, I shouldn't distract him. Then she realized he must have thought that way too. That guy had her schedule memorized so he must have known that today was a very busy day for her and didn't want to distract her as well. Mamori tried to calm her breathing as she explained and reasoned with herself as to why her man has not sent a single message.

Ako and Sarah shared glances before looking with pity and concern at their friend. They could tell the answer to Sarah's question based on Mamori's expression and how she was suddenly lost in thought.

"Seriously, you're boyfriend needs some scolding. How can he not greet you on your birthday," Ako muttered.

"Yeah, the next time the two of you meet; bring us along. We will give him a piece of our mind," Sarah said with a determined look. She knew though that they can't really do that. She was just saying things to cheer up their friend.

Before Mamori could respond, a man in black walked towards them. He was 180cm (5'9) tall, well-built, good-looking, and has an aura of authority oozing from him. Sarah and Akoh looked at each other. The man was holding a bouquet of red roses and a sealed paper bag which they assumed was a present. He smiled at the two and gazed at Mamori.

"Happy birthday, Anezaki-san." He handed her the present and kissed her hand before giving her the roses. Mamori blushed. Ako and Sarah's eyes widened.

"Thank you Jiro-kun. You really didn't have to bother you know," Mamori said. They looked at each other's eyes for few seconds as if continuing the conversation

"I know," the man said as if in defeat. "It seems you already have plans so I'll go ahead." He nodded at the two before going to the parking lot to an expensive looking car.

"Mamo-kaasan, who's that?!" the two ladies tugged at Mamori. "You were blushing you know."

"What?! No that was - " She couldn't continue when she saw someone. Her friends noticed her surprise before hearing footsteps walking towards them. They turned around to see who it was. The three ladies gasped and were frozen on their feet.

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