TEN || All Roads Have To Lead Somewhere

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TEN || All Roads Have To Lead Somewhere

The morning light shines through my eyelids, little golden spots in my vision. With a groan, my eyes open. According to the clock, it's crazy early, but Maxine's already up and about, tugging on her shirt and pants.

"Why so early?" I ask groggily, before realisation hits me in the chest. Today. She's leaving. She's moving far, far, far away where I can't touch or hug or kiss her. "Oh. Shit."

Her voice softens. "I'm so sorry, Angel."

"What for?" My voice is barely a whisper. "I don't want to dwell on it. Besides, it's not like we can't talk to each other. Skype. WhatsApp. Instagram." But we both know it's not the same, not the same because I can't feel that scarred, warm skin under my fingers, can't hear her talk with a voice that's not through a screen.

Dawn breaks as we scoot out of my flat. I lock the door behind me as we walk through the hallways, into the lift, across the lobby. I can't bear to look at her. I'll just be reminded of what I'm losing.

We walk hand-in-hand toward her house, and every step feels like a drag, one step closer to the end. I look at the darkened windows, the shops preparing to open, the few cars left on the road this early, zooming past.

Do they care? Do they see the dullness painted across my face, the fear in my eyes? Because I've finally got what I've always wanted, because everything's finally perfect, and I'm losing it again for a second time? Do they care? Do they wonder?

I bet not. Who cares about me?

"Hey." I seem to have zoned out, because Maxine's voice is like a bullet through my head. "We're here." She's right, which brings the tears back to prick at my eyes. The mansion, once gold and glittering, now has a FOR SALE sign stuck in the lawn like a stake through someone's heart.

Through my heart.

"Maxine!" Her mother waves to her from the front porch. "Darling, do you mind getting my flower pots from the backyard?" She smiles, cheerful, like everything isn't breaking down before my eyes.

"Sure." She looks at me and jerks her head toward the door. I almost don't want to go, because I know everything in there will remind me too much of past days where I didn't know anything was going to be like this.

But this is our last day. Our last hour. Maybe not even an hour, since it looks like their three giant cars are pretty much loaded and ready to go. Maxine's already through the door, and I run after her.

Much to my disappointment, neither of us talk. We're both quiet as we walk through the gigantic - but not gigantic enough - dining hall, out the back door, into her flowery and sweet-smelling backyard. There's a stack of clay flower pots near the entrance.

She stacks them up and hoists them up, and it hits me like a freight train. Why aren't we talking about this? Why are we so quiet? This is our last moment together, seeing each other face-to-face. Maybe ever.

And I'm not going to waste it just standing here and pretending like nothing's going to happen.


"What, Gracelynn?" She sounds irritated, but that's probably because of her moving away.

"I'll - I'll miss you."

And then I burst out crying.

She catches me as I literally slump toward the ground, a blubbering mess. Through the tears and blurriness, a vague thought drifts in that I'm pathetic and look like an idiot right now. My hand grasps her shoulder and I break down into her shoulder.

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