i. paper boat

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you said

we should sail

the endless seas

salty spray

splashing our palms

briny gusts

ruffling our

seasoaked hair

we'd navigate

the turquoise waters

with the shimmering

constellations speckling

the midnight sky

and my brass compass

gleaming warmly

under pearly moons

auroras swirling

through midnight winters

tendrils of light

flickering emeralds

bundled up in

woolen coats

warm breath dancing

on my neck

as boreal winds

gust across

marble icebergs

deep navy seas

lavender sunsets

turquoise shallows

roaring waves

cracking windswept cliffs

churning froth

crimson sunrises

on endless horizons

just you and me

my arm over

your shoulder

heads leaning

against each other

eyes glowing

with firefly sparks

gazing as vibrant

tangerine strands

golden rays enshroud

the small sailboat

bobbing on

summer teal seas

outside i laughed

that's impossible

i'd say

but inside

my heart leaped

thinking of

ocean journeys

with you

'cause you

had a way

with words

ink leaping

from papers

splattering around


of light blues

blurs of sea green

streaks of navy

lining edges

of the indigo horizons

wind whipping

our hair

sailing olive shores

blue oceans

paper dreams

becoming real

like our

paper boat

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