-chapter one-

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chapter one

-the beginning-

I solemnly swear

that I am up to no good

Four boys sat at there usual compartment. Planning pranks and catching up, just like all there previous years. But this year they wanted to step it up.

"We have to prank Dumbledore" the boy with the glasses said.

Smilies appeared on all of there faces.

"But it can't be just some small prank, it has to be huge" An other boy said. "Peter's right, it has to be our biggest prank yet" said the boy with dark hair.

"We-" started James.

He was interrupted by a loud banging. There heads snapped towards the door. A girl stood there. The four of them stared at her in confusion, they had never seen this girl before. She had straight brown hair that stopped right after her shoulders and piercing blue eyes. The girl kept banging until they finally opened the door to there compartment.

"What do you-" James started but was interrupted once more. The girl came into the compartment and shut the door behind her

"No time to explain, i need to hide, now" she said. I

The boys, who where taken aback by her response but decided to help the mysterious girl. They took off all there coats and threw them on her as she lied down on the floor. They all stood in silence for about a minute until someone else entered their compartment. The girl was furious, if this had been a cartoon there would be smoke coming out of her ears.

Oh, and she was blue from head to toe.

"Have any of you boys seen a girl named Adeline Blake" she said gritting her teeth.

All four of the boys could bearly hold in there laugh. Then the most mature out of the four, Remus spoke. "No we have not, and quite frankly we don't know who that is" he said calmly.

"Well if you see her tell her that I'm gonna kill her" she said. She turned around and slammed the door shut. Everyone in the compartment lost it. Adeline got up from the pile of coats and saw the four boys laughing. One of them even looked like they where going to fall off there seat.

"D-Did you do that" the boy said in between laughter.

"Yep" she said proudly, she then went back to laughing.

"That was bloody brilliant" the other boy said.

"Why thank you" Adeline said.

The laughing died down and they all decided to introduce themselves.

"Im James Potter" James started. "Remus Lupin" "Sirius Black" "Peter Pettigrew"

"It's nice to meet you all, in Adeline Blake" she said.

"I'm guessing your an American transfer student?" Remus said. "Is my accept that big?" She asked, witch caused the boys to laugh. "You could tell before you even started talking" James said. Adeline rolled her eyes.

"But no Remus im not a transfer student, I got expelled from Ivermorny" she said.

"How?" Peter asked.

"Well, has changed all the charms exams to sudokus but no one really payed any attention to that after I glued everything to the celling" she said

The four boys stared at her in awe.

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