-chapter three-

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chapter three


Marlene and Adeline sat on Lily's bed. Marlene poking Lily repeatedly. Adeline soon found out that Gianna snored. "Dose she always sound like that?" Adeline whispered. Marlene nodded. "Sounds like a truck" Adeline said. Lily didn't seem to wake up to Marlene poking her. Adeline took her arm and shook it hard.

"What the-? It's like 6am" Lily said waking up suddenly.

"But you know what today is!" Marlene squealed.

"Oh no" Lily sighed.

"QUIDDITCH" Adeline and Marlene said together.

They both jumped off the bed.

"Cmon Lils let's go" Adeline said.

"But I'm not even trying out" Lily whined.

"Lily we need you for moral support" Marlene said.

"...And you can do dutch braids" Adeline whined.

"Fineeee" Lily whined. She got up and took a cold shower. Adeline slipped on a Gryffindor and a pair of black . Marlene put on some black and a red sports . Lily braided both of there hair into two . The three of them stopped by the kitchens quick. Marlene grabbed toast with some jam, Lily a waffle with maple syrup and Adeline took a croissant.

The three of them walked towards the quidditch pitch. Lily took her place in the stands and continued eating her waffle. Marlene and Adeline took their brooms and walked towards the pack of people. There where a LOT of fourth years. Marlene and Adeline has to push though everyone to see what was happening.

"Hey everyone and welcome to this years quidditch tryouts. Now just because you made the team this year dose not mean you'll make it this year. I'm looking forward to seeing you all play, good luck everyone! Now in partners, I want the chasers to pass the quaffle and the beaters to hit bludgers back and forth. Seekers give me ten laps." The team captain, Thomas Wood said.

Marlene and Adeline grinned at each other.

Adeline grabbed a quaffle and flew up to Marlene. They both stared passing. Marlene and Adeline were spot on. Many player dropped the quaffle or threw it to far. Out of the corner of her eye, Adeline saw Thomas looking at the two of them and grinning.

"Alright so now I'll divide you guys into teams and we can play a game." he said. "On one team we'll have Alyssa Prescott, Adeline Blake and Cameron McDonald as the chasers. Owen Fletcher and Christopher Jenkins as beaters. Aiden Mclean as keeper and James Potter as seeker." he said.

Those called all walked behind Thomas and started chatting.

"On the second team we have Marlene McKinnon, Lucy Moore and Ariana Thompson as chasers. Sebastien Brown and Sirius Black as beaters. Jayden Stevenson as keeper and Gabriella Knight as seeker." he said. "And I'm sorry to say that if your name was not called, you have been cut form the team." he finished.

The second team got together and many people left. The quaffle was thrown into the air and the game had begun.


(sorry the game was long & I don't wanna narrate it all😂)


Adeline sat in the Gryffindor common room. She layed on one of the red couches starring at the celling with only one thing ok her mind, quidditch. She twirled her hair nervously. She heard someone clear their throat but she ignored it. They cleared it once more but this time louder. Adeline snapped out of her gaze and turned her head. Four boys sat on the couch parallel to hers, all with a concerned look on their face.

"Addy you alright?" Peter asked.

Adeline sighed.

"Yeah im just stressed" she said.

"What why?" Remus asked.

"Quidditch" Adeline said as it were obvious.

"Quidditch!? How!? You were the best chaser there" James said.

Adeline shrugged.

"Ok thanks guys, goodbye" She said. She turned around and walked away. But she felt someone grab her arm. Adeline turned around to see Sirius holding her arm. He gave her a sad smile.

"Come on Addy, sit back down" he said softly.

Adeline sat down on the same couch as before but this time, Sirius was next to her.

"What's going on" He said.

"I-It's just at Ivermorny, I've made the quidditch team since third year, but not because of how I play. My brother was a quidditch star, he was the best chaser Ivermorny had seen in years. Since he graduated, everyone's been trying to take up his role as star player. The quidditch captain put me on the team only because he was my brother, I didn't even tryout, I didn't even want to play quidditch. But Marcus, the captain, forced me, hoping that I'd be as good as my brother. At the first game I made a fool of myself because I fell off my broom. I was going to quit but I got an owl from my brother telling me how proud he was of me. During the year I improved, but not enough to fairly make the team the next year. Marcus put me on the team anyways. But that year our team was good enough to win. Marcus decided to train me. Every day I had to practice at 6am and at 9pm. Witch ment i couldn't study much, leading to me almost failing a lot of my classes. But even with all of that, we didn't win. Marcus took it all out on me. Be blamed me for everything. Telling me I was rubbish at quidditch and I was the reason we lost, witch I was. Now my brother expects me to easily make the team this year since I've made it the past two. Now it's the first time I've actually had to tryout, so I'm nervous." Adeline said.

The boys sat there, not to sure what to do or say.

"Tha-That's horrible" Remus said.

They all nodded.

"Well for starters, the Marcus guy is an asshole. But Addy, you were seriously the best chaser out there. I'm not even a tad worried. And neither should you" Sirius said.

"Yeah there's no doubt in my mind that you'll make the team" James said.

Adeline smiled.

"Thanks you so much guys, your the best" she said.

They all got up pulled Addy into a huge hug.

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