-chapter six-

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chapter six

-rainbow professors-

"Ok so let's review this one last time. Peter, you set off a the teachers dorm. You make sure that they all come out. First Sirius will swank it and check all the rooms. Then James, Remus and I will follow. After what Sirius has told us, we'll do the empty rooms first, then the rooms where the Professor are asleep. Sirius and I will do the shampoo, James an Remus you'll do the clothes. Remus and I will work together and James and Sirius will be together. Peter you have to keep them destracted as long as you can. After this, we all met back here. Got it?" Adeline said

The four boys nodded.

Adeline took her backpack and made her way down to the basement. Sirius, James, Remus and Adeline squeezed under the invisibility cloak while Peter distracted the Professors. He dropped the smoke bomb by 'accident'. Bright pink smoke flew everywhere. Adeline smirked. "Peter you've outdone yourself" she whispered to herself.

The teachers came out of there rooms and walked right into the huge cloud of smoke. Sirius took the invisibility cloak and ran into the room. The three of them waited for the last of the teachers to come out and carefully followed Sirius.

Sirius came running back to them.

"Minnie, Flitwick, Slughorn and Kettleburn are outside, the reste are sounds asleep." He said.

They spring into action.

Remus and Adeline went into McGonagall's room while Sirius and James went for Slughorn.

Remus and Adeline creeped into McGonagall's room. The both exchanged a smirk. They both discussed this before hand. They reserved a special colour for there favourite teacher. Bright purple. Adeline rushes into her bathroom. She put down her backpack and took out a small glass container. It had a purple lid, but the liquid inside was clear. She put a couple drops into her shampoo bottle. She closed her bag again and walked over to Remus. He was still spraying the same type of liquid onto her clothes. But his was in a spray bottle. He finished up and yet both moved on.

They walked over to Flitwick's room and got to work. Adeline took a bottle with a green lid and poured a couple drops into his shampoo bottle. Remus sprayed it onto his clothes and they were off.

They now had to be more careful. Try walked into a random room to find Professor Sprout sleeping soundly. This time they both took out a blue spray bottle. Adeline sprayed her hair directly and Remus sprayed her clothes.

Then they did Professor Sinistra who is there Astronomy teacher.

They both finished up and met up with Sirius and James. They all nodded at each other and walked towards the biggest room. Dumbledores.

James slowly opened the door and walked into the room. Remus, Sirius and Adeline followed. Dumbledore's room was huge. But they had to work quickly. Sirius and Adeline rushed over to the headmaster. The took out the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. They sprayed each colour individually on his hair. Then they rushed over to James and Remus and helped them finish up. Adeline packed everything up into her backpack and snuck back under the invisibility cloak along with James, Sirius and Remus.

They rushed back to there dorm where they saw Peter. He sat on his bed eagerly.

"And now, we wait" Adeline said.

"Are you sure this will work?" James asked

"Positive" Adeline answered.


The next morning Adeline woke up bright and early. She put on her robes and put her hair into a high ponytail. She then shook Lily and Marlene awake.

"Come on guys, it's time to go to breakfast"

Marlene and Lily woke up a lot slower then Adeline.

"Addy whats the rush" Lily asked.

"You'll see" Adeline said.

Marlene and Lily quickly put on there robes and joined Adeline as she walked down to the common room.

"Hey boys, you ready" She asked as Adeline, Marlene and Lily walked passed the Marauders.

They all took a deep breath.

"Yep" Remus said.

They all walked down to the Great Hall. But before they could get in some third year ran up to them.

"This is awesome!" The third year said.

Lily and Marlene looked over to the marauders and Adeline.

"What did you guys do?" Marlene asked.

They all smirked.

"You'll see" Adeline said.

They all walked into the great hall. They looked over at the staff.

McGonagall was purple.

Flitwick was green.

Slughorn was orange.

Kettleburn was pink.

Sinistra was red.

Sprout was blue.

Merrythought was yellow.

Dumbledore was rainbow coloured.

There jaws dropped. The marauders stood there in awe. There eyes where wide open. Lily and Marlene looked over to the boys.

"Who's idea was this?" Lily asked.

They all pointed to Adeline.

Marlene and Lily gasped.

"I might have have something to do with this."

The boys raised there eyebrows.

"Or I had everything to do with this" she admitted.

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