-chapter five-

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chapter five

-spilling tea in a tea shop-

Adeline quickly changed and put her hair into a messy bun. Lily and Marlene also changed but both let there hair down naturally. The three girls ran down the halls to the courtyard. They all gave there permission slips to Professor McGonagall.

(I'm just going to assume that they take a train to hogsmade)

The three girls hopped on the train who slowly made its way to the small village. The second the train stops they all went to Madame Puddifoots tea shop. Lily couldn't shut up about it on the train ride there. She kept saying it was the best tea she ever had. They meet Mary, Molly, Alice, Dorcas and Emmeline there.

"Hey girls!" Lily said.

The five 6th years turned around. They jumped on the three fifth years, hugging each one of them. Adeline was surprised to get a hug, she had seen them only once before. They were all very good friends, but with classes and homework, they don't see each other often.

"You guys remember Adeline right" Marlene asked.

"Of course how could we forget!" Emmeline said.

Adeline smiled. The eight girls all ordered.

"I'll have Ginger Tea" Mary said.

"Chamomile Tea for me" Alice said.

"Chai Matcha please" Emmeline said.

"Lemon Lavender" Molly said.

"Pumpkin Spice" Dorcas said.

"Green tea" Adeline said.

"S'mores Chai" Marlene said.

"Strawberry Lemonade" Lily said. Hey

The girls waited for there tea. One by one they all receive there cup. They all took a seat at a round table. It went,


Marlene Alice

Mary Lily

Adeline Molly


They all took a sip of there beverage and sat in a mildly awkward silence. But Mary broke it. "Ok so let's start. Alice, I hear you and Frank are now officially a thing" she said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Alice asked. Everyone smirked. "You guys have been flirting since third year, it was about time you guys got together" Emmeline said. Alice rolled her eyes. "Come on, it wasn't that bad" she said. Adeline laughed. "I've known you guys for a couple weeks and you guys flirted more then most of the couples at school" she said.

Alice blushed madly.

The seven other girls laughed. "Falice is cute though" Lily said. They all nodded, Alice's blush just got worse.

"But we cant just ignore Folly" Alice pointed out.

Everyone turned to Molly.

"What?? Nooooo" Molly said.

They all laughed, even Adeline couldn't help it.

"Molly your funny" Marlene said.

"What im serious!" Molly said.

They all laughed even harder.

"Come one Molly, you guys have been looking at each other with heart eyes since the first day" Dorcas said.

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