-chapter seven-

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chapter seven


Adeline was studying quietly in the library. She was writing her Charms essay. Just then a familiar group of teenage boys walked into the library.

"Hey Adds" Sirius said.

"Hey boys" she said.

"We have a proposition" James said.

Adeline chuckled.

"Proposition, you sound like an adult" Adeline said.

James gasped.

"Do not" He said. "Anyway back to the point, we have a proposition" James said.

Adeline giggled.

"We want you to be a marauders" Remus said.

Adeline dropped her quill.

"Wha- you-your joking" she stuttered.

"Nope, that prank was bloody amazing, you'd be an amazing marauder" James said.

"But..." Sirius started.

"There it is" Adeline said.

"You have to go though some sort of initiations during the day. Like challenges almost" Sirius finished.

Adeline sighed.

"What type of challenges?" she asked.

"You'll see" Peter said.

They turned around and left the library, leaving Adeline to finish studying.


Adeline was eating lunch with the girls. She was peacefully drinking her soup when four boys walked up to the table. James slipped her a paper.

You must get the attention of everybody here and admit your love to Sirius and tell everyone how hot he is

Adeline looked at him and raised her eyebrows. Your kidding, she wrote and slipped the paper back to James. He looked at her and shook his head. Adeline sighed and rolled her eyes.

She stood up and climbed onto the table. She took her glass and slightly hit her spoon against it, getting everyone's attention.

"Attention everyone, I would like to make a big announcement and I would like everyone to hear it." She shouted.

Here goes nothing, she muttered under her breath.

"I am in love with Sirius Orion Black." She said.

Everybody stopped talking. Many utensils were dropped.

"You see it's because he's so bloody hot" she grabbed her soup. "You see this burning hot soup. Yeah he's hotter. So this little message goes to out to all you ladies out there. He's mine and I better not see you anywhere near him, unless you plan on getting hexed." She said.

Adeline sat back down at her spot, everybody still staring at her. She couldn't help but laugh. Adeline burst into laughter, quickly followed by James. Sirius sat there in pure confusion. But soon enough, he and everyone else at the Gryffindor table started to laugh.


Adeline was walking back from her Astronomy class to the common room when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around to see Sirius.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey. You know back there that was-" she started.

"Yeah I know James told me" he said.

Cant help but fall in love || Sirius Black LSWhere stories live. Discover now