-chapter two-

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chapter two

-classes and bullies-

Adeline jolted up from her bed. She was soaking wet and freezing cold. She looked around her to see Lily and Marlene giggling "LILY MARLENE WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR" Adeline yelled.

"To wake you up" Marlene shrugged.

"You couldn't have just poked me. You seemed pretty good at that yesterday" Adeline said.

"We did, for 10 minutes" Marlene said.

"We also screamed 'wake up' loud enough for Gianna to throw a hair brush at my head" Lily said.

"I'm going back to bed" Adeline said.

"You don't want to be late to class do you" Lily asked.

"Wha-Wha what time is it?" Adeline asked.

"8:45" Marlene said.

"But it'll take me 5 minutes to walk to class, and 10 minutes to get dressed-"

"Bye" Marlene and Lily said before running out of the dorm. Adeline sighed but with a smile. She quickly put on her robes and ran to Charms. She made her way down the stairs, skipping half of them. Adeline sprinted down the hall until she realized.

She didn't know where charms was.

Adeline froze. She looked around and there was no one to be seen. So for some reason, Adeline started running again. She ran thought 20+ corridors and probably 40 flights of stairs. 'this is taking a lot more then 5 minutes' she thought. But then she found it. Adeline ran into class.

Everyone turned to face her.

"Ahhhh Miss Blake, I see you've finally decided to join us" Flitwick said.

"I'm sorry sir" Adeline said.

"I'll let it slide today but be warned, you will not be given such chance again" he said.

"Thank you professor" she said

"Now take a seat, I see that there's one open next to Mr. Pettigrew" Flitwick said.

Adeline turned around and sat next to Peter. She looked around to see Marlene and Lily. Lily looked sorry and Marlene mouthed 'sorry'. Adeline mouthed her 'it's alright' in response and Marlene gave her a small smile. 'What happened' Peter whispered to her. 'I kinda slept in and they only managed to wake me up 15 minutes before class' she whispered back. Her stomach rumbled 'and I didn't get to eat.' Peter dove his hand into his bag and pulled out a granola bar and handed it to Adeline. "Thanks Pete" she said as she secretly ate her granola bar.


Adeline sat down in History of Magic, this time next to James. She held her head in her hand and her eyelids where getting heavy. James snapped his fingers in front of her face. She jumped up.

"Hey stay sharp, if you stay awake in History of Magic, you easily pass" he said.

"Stay awake? I never sleep in class" Adeline said.

James scoffed.

"Yeah sure we'll see about that" he said.

Adeline put he hand on her head and gasped dramatically.

"You really think I can't stay awake" she said.

"I know you can't stay awake, two gallons says in right." He said confidently.

"Your on, get ready to lose" Adeline teased.

"I won't need to"

Five minutes in, Adeline decided to reste her eyes for a bit so that they wouldn't be as heavy. She rested them for almost two hours. Adeline was shaken awake by James. "Wha-Wha happend" She asked. "You owe me two gallons" James said. Adeline groaned. "How did you manage to stay awake?" She asked. "I can stay awake threw anything, once he gave us a 5 hour lecture and I stayed awake threw the whole thing" James said. Lily and Marlene passed by.

"Addy you coming? We're going to lunch" Lily said. Adeline nodded and walked to go join the girls.

"Go out with me Lily Flower" he said.

Lily looked at James with a face of stone

"No" she said. She then turned around and walked away. Man that girl had a good bitch face. Adeline ran after Lily.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"James had been trying to ask her out since first year, and she keeps saying no since she hasn't realized that she's madly in love with him" Marlene said.

Lily slapped her arm.

"I'm not in love with Potter" she snapped.

"You see, she's in denial" Marlene told Adeline.

Lily huffed and the two girls laughed. Lily soon joined them.


The girls, still walking towards the great hall laughed. Lily was almost crying. And when your crying you don't tent to look where you are going. Lily bumped into someone.

"Watch where you going you filthy little mudblood." the girl snarled.

Adeline stopped in her tracks. She turned around to face her. She recognized her. It was Bellatrix Black.

"What did you say" she said.

"I told the mudblood to watch where she was going" she said once more.

Adeline grabbed her wand and pointed it at Bellatrix.

"You listen you little pure blood dumbass. You might think that you above everyone because of your blood but your wrong. You cannot juge someone for something that is not under their control. I'm no superior to you because you look like a cow walking on its hind feet because you can't help it, you were born that way. But Lily, Marlene and I are superior because we don't juge people by there blood type, but as the type of person they are. Now if I EVER hear you calling Lily a mud blood you better believe you'll get punched straight in the face" Adeline said.

She turned around and tucked her wand in her pocket.

"The mudbloods go to her" Bellatrix whispered to herself.

Adeline turned around and as promised, punched her square in the face. She walked back over to Lily and Marlene who's jaws almost touched the floor. She walked passed them.

"Cmon lets go to lunch, I'm starving" Adeline said shaking her hand.

Marlene and Lily ran up to Adeline who had already started walked. "It's almost as if you guys want to swallow flies" Adeline teased. Marlene closed her mouth. But Lily basically pounced on her. She wrapped her in a tight hug. "Thank you soso much Addy" she said.

Adeline hugged her friend back.

"No problem Lils."

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