-chapter four-

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chapter four


Adeline sat down in the library with books spattered everywhere. She had been studying for hours. She had many quills lying everywhere. Adeline was about to doze off. Her eyelids were getting heavy and her head was slowly falling down. But then Sirius walked in.

"Hey Addy" he said.

Adeline head hit the table suddenly and she jumped up. She jumped up and looked around she saw Sirius who was looking at her, confusion all over his face. "Oh... oh hi Sir" she said sleepily.

"Adds you look terrible, how long have you been studying" Sirius asked.

"That depends, when was the last time I saw you" she asked.

"About 3 hours ago" he said.

"Then 3 hours" she said.

She laid her head down against the table again. "Goodnight" she said. Sirius shook his head and smiled. He raced out of the library. Sirius ran down the stairs and into the kitchens he made a quick cup of coffee. He walked back up to the library and sat down next to Adeline. He put the cup of coffee near he nose just so that she could get the smell. Adeline woak up slowly. "Coffee" she said faintly. Sirius nodded and handed her the mug. She took a sip with her eyes still closed. Her eyes opened slightly and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Extra cream and no sugar, how'd you know?" She asked.

"You have that everyday" he said.

"Thank you Sir" she said.

Sirius smiled softly.

"No problem Adds" he said.

"Oh yeah the quidditch team was made" he said.

Adeline suddenly got up. She took and other sip of her coffee and looked at Sirius.


"Oh right" he said. Sirius took out a paper of his pocket and gave it to Adeline. She unfolded it and read it.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team


Thomas Wood (Team Captain)

Backup Keeper:

Aiden Mclean


James Potter


Sirius Black

Sebastien Brown


Cameron McDonald

Marlene McKinnon

Adeline Blake

"Sirius you mad it!" She said and gave him a little side hug.

"Keep reading" he said with a huge smile. Adeline kept reading until her eyes widened.

"Marlene made it!" She squealed.

Sirius facepalmed.

"Yes she did" Sirius said. "Now keep reading" he said.

Adeline dropped the paper. Her jaw dropped and she slowly turned to face Sirius. He had a huge grin on his face.

"I-I... I made it" she said.

Sirius nodded.

"Congrats" he said.

Adeline jumped onto Sirius, wrapping him in a hug. They both fell off the bench. They both laughed as they rolled on the floor. Adeline let go of Sirius and stood up.


"Shhhhhh" Madame Pince shushed them.

"sorry" Adeline whispered.

"I'm gonna go find Marlene" she said eagerly. Sirius nodded. Adeline ran out of the library. Sirius smirked, he took her coffee mug and followed her. Adeline ran into the common room. She spotted Marlene and ran towards her.

"Marlene!" Adeline shouted.

Marlene turned towards her and smiled.

"Addy whats up." She asked.

"Guess who made the quidditch team!" She asked.

Marlene's jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"Who?" She asked.

"Well theres Sirius, James, Brown, Mclean..." she started.

"Who are the chaser!?" She asked

"McDonald, and umm I kind of forget who the last two are. Oh yeah, us!" She said.

Marlene didn't move.

"Your kidding" she said.

"Nope, where both of the team!" Adeline squealed.

Marlene jumped into Adeline's arms.

"This is gonna be so fun!"

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