Lunch Time

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"So what was this business deal you had an idea for?" Connor questioned Schlatt as they sat down at the 'Goon Table' as Fitz (a fellow gamer and classmate) likes to call it. "Ok so, a cryptocurrency. New, revolutionary, Schlattcoin™." Schlatt says gesturing his hands as if he were holding a coin between his thumb and pointer finger. "Ok and what does this 'coin' do exactly?" Conner says reflecting the gesture Schlatt was making. "We start off by selling them for 20 diamonds a piece. The value increases every time somebody buys one, they also get a certificate of verification so everyone knows that they own a schlattcoin™." Schlatt says, a sparkle in his eyes.

Connor sighs looking down only to look back up milliseconds later, that same sparkle in his eyes. Determination. "I think you're on the road to something big Schlatt." Connor says holding his hand out "business partners?" Connor asks. "Business partners" Schlatt confirms, taking Connors hand and shaking it wildly.

Schlatt turns as he hears a tray set on the table. "Ah Wilbur kind of you to join us on this fine evening." Carson speaks turning away from Travis, Cooper, Ted, charlie, and Noah's conversation. Schlatt smiles as Wilbur sits next to him "pleasure to be here" Wilbur responds. "So Wilbur-" Schlatt was shortly interrupted by a loud—

"FOURHEADBRUHMOMENT" a not so tall sophomore and a more quiet sophomore sit themselves at the table. Carson laughs leaning over the table to talk to the new arrivals. "Uh.. who's that?" Wilbur points at the curly haired boy. "Oh his name is Nicolas but he prefers to go by 'Junky Janker, Jankus, or gumball." Schlatt explains "Gumball??" Wilbur says even more confused "yea junky is kind of famous for being the voice of gumball, the main character from the show The Amazing World of Gumball." Schlatt continues explaining.

"Ok so who's the other one then?" Wilbur points to the boy quietly laughing next to junky. "His name is Ty, he's kind of like me and Connors apprentice. We're teaching him how to do.. 'business..'" Schlatt says using his fingers to specify business. Wilbur's eyes widen before Schlatt burst out laughing. "Minecraft business wilbur, Minecraft business" Schlatt says wiping non existent tears from his eyes "do you really believe we're that shady?" Schlatt says pointing to himself, Conner and ty. "Well I don't know mate I just got here today, I kinda don't want to be murdered my first full day in America." Wilbur says playfully narrowing his eyes at Schlatt.


Wilbur sighed, "Well Schlatt I hope you and your shady business friends don't get into too much trouble." He says throwing his food away ready to head to the next class. "we won't.. haha." Schlatt laughs awkwardly. "See you later Schlatt!" Wilbur says turning to walk off to his next class. "Wait!" Schlatt says holding his hand out as if to grip onto Wilbur's backpack.. 'what did he do that for??' He asks himself. "Uh..yea?" Wilbur says looking back confused by schlatt's actions. "Um.. I-. Uh." Schlatt stutters not know what to say. 'Why did I grab his backpack?? What am I trying to ask him?' Schlatt thinks, his brain working at five hundred miles per second. "Wanna hang out later?" Schlatt burst out, his cheeks dusted a light pink. "Oh- uhm.. sure!" Wilbur accepts smiling at Schlatt. "O-Ok!" Schlatt agrees, not expecting that answer. "Meet by the bus pick up after school." Wilbur says before disappearing into the crowd.

Schlatt suddenly turned a darker red. 'The hell was that?!?' He mentally screamed at himself. He continued arguing with himself until a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders completely ripping him out of his mind war. "AH-" he screamed turning to see who the hand man was.

He grumbled as he turned to see Carson and his friend Charlie. "What do you two want?" Schlatt questions not amused by the way they literally grabbed his attention. "We have class together this period, Travis and cooper already went to class and the bell rings in two minutes." Carson explains. "Yea you don't want a tardy do you Mr.Business?" Charlie interrogates. "I guess not" Schlatt sighs in defeat. "Well then let's go!" Carson says pointing a random direction. "Our class is that way—" Charlie starts to correct Carson, only to be interrupted by the idiot. "THAT WAY!" Carson exclaims pointing the correct direction.

As they arrived to class Schlatt sat at his desk, the others conversed. He started thinking about lunch. 'Did I really just ask Wilbur to hang out?' He asks himself. 'Wow I really did that.' He responds to his own question with a raise of his eyebrows. He didn't stay on that topic for too long as he heard Carson's name being called by a familiarly-unfamiliar voice.

Ah yes.. Fitz. "Hey Carson tell your goons to keep their hands to themselves." Fitz says, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Travis get your goblin hands off of the poor short mans stuff." Carson says to Travis who is currently holding a helmet, "but why is he allowed to have a cool helmet?" Travis says frowning. "Travis just give him his helmet back and maybe carson'll buy you your own helmet." Cooper says trying to come to terms with the over enthusiastic boy. "I'm not buying Travis a helmet." Carson states looking from Fitz to Travis. "Fine I'll buy you a helmet." Cooper says rolling his eyes. "Really?? You will Coopie!?" Travis says all his energy quickly coming back. "Sure.. just put that one down.. it looks expensive." Cooper says happy he got the boy to agree to something reasonable.

Schlatt chuckles to himself. His friend group is something else. Now.. to think about how he Connor and Ty can make a fortune on the Minecraft world with their new cryptocurrency.

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