Wilbur's Sleepover

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- Wilbur's pov -

'Schlatt had decided that he would stay over tonight at my apartment, oh boy how fun is this going to be.' Wilbur though still rubbing his hands together, "so what are we going to do first? Since, after all this is a super mega fun sleepover." Schlatt says sarcastically.

"Well first off," Wilbur says standing up. He grabbed two Wii remotes off the tv stand and handed one to Schlatt. "Ok.. what are we playing?" Schlatt asks "hold on..." Wilbur says turning the console, opening the menu. A familiar theme song starts playing. "You're going to make us exsersise at 9 O'clock at night??" Schlatt says, Wilbur smiles as the tv lit up with the words, 'Wii Sports' on it. "Hell yea!" Wilbur answers enthusiastically.

"HAHA! I win again Wilbur!" Schlatt says in triumph. "This is stupid." Wilbur says blowing a small breath out of his mouth, clearly upset. "Why are you sad Wilbur? This was your choice." Schlatt says still excited about his winning streak of 2 tennis games, 3 bowling, games and 1 boxing match, making a streak of 6. On the other hand Wilbur had won one game of golf. "This is bullshit." Wilbur says pouting, he sat on the couch, arms crossed, eyes avoiding schlatt's. "Aww is someone upset?" Wilbur looked down at his folded arms.

He felt the couch cushions tilt to the left, his eyes lifted from his arms to Schlatt sitting next to him. "I'm sorry, I'll stop bragging now." Schlatt says smiling. "It's fine you won fair and square." Wilbur said sitting up, shaking off his childish demeanor. "Movie?" He asks changing the tv back to cable. "Sure, what movie?" Schlatt says scrolling through his phone, "goddammit Connor.." wilbur heard Schlatt mutter. "Uhh.. how about a horror movie?" Wilbur says, turning his head to look at Schlatt. Wilbur loves horror movies and horror in general. He doesn't know why he has this fascination with scary movies, but they don't scare him as much as they probably should.

"Uh.. how about anything but a scary movie?" Schlatt says nervously. "Scary movie it is" Wilbur confirms searching for a good movie.

"I don't want to watch this anymore" Schlatt says quivering under the warm blanket Wilbur had given him. "Shh.. this is the best part" Wilbur hushes Schlatt eyes focused on the movie, in fact he was so focused he didn't notice Schlatt scooting closer to him. 'RAHHHH' the movie screamed.

Schlatt physically jumped, obviously not enjoying the movie. Wilbur on the other hand was adrenaline filled, this was a new horror movie he'd never seen before so it got his heart pumping. He looked over at the lump that is Schlatt, he was leaning into Wilbur. Head buried into his shoulder. Wilbur was no longer fixated on the movie, his body moved on its own as he lifted his arm and put it around schlatt's shoulders with a comforting smile. Schlatt looked up, Wilbur could've sworn he'd seen him blush. With the thought of Schlatt blushing in his mind he also felt his face heating up, 'what is wrong with me?' He asks himself. 'This feeling is sickening, why do I feel so sick all of a sudden?' Wilbur quizzes himself, the movie not even in his mind anymore. He snapped out at he noticed Schlatt had now fixed himself to where he was leaning his head on Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur smiled, 'whatever that feeling is I'm sure it'll be gone soon.' He says fixing his attention back onto the Tv screen.

The movie credits had started rolling and Wilbur opened his phone seeing that the time is now 12:07am he looked over to Schlatt who was still laying on his shoulder. He was asleep, Schlatt had fallen asleep on his shoulder during the movie. He couldn't help but let his mouth form a soft smile at the sleeping man. His attention was soon grabbed by a device lighting up brightly, schlatt's phone was buzzing every two second. 'Should I check who it is?' Wilbur thought 'what if it was an emergency..?' He questioned, mind immediately thinking bad. He decided against it, he wouldn't want to invade schlatt's privacy.

"Schlatt.. Schlatt wake up" Wilbur says softly, shaking him a little by the shoulders. "H..huh??" Schlatt says eyes opening slowly, "am I dead??" Schlatt says, still half asleep. "Am I in heaven? Why is there an angel here to get me?" He says eyes closing again. "Schlatt no-" Wilbur says shaking him again, too late he's already asleep again. Wilbur sighed, "we'll just have to do this the harder way." Wilbur says picking Schlatt up bridal style and carrying Schlatt to his room. "You lucky bitch this is the second time you get to sleep in my comfortable room." Wilbur whispers as he walks down the hall to his room.

He placed Schlatt down slowly covering him up with a blanket. Wilbur leaned down and whispered "Goodnight Schlatt." Into schlatt's ear. He smiled, not really knowing why he had just done that. As Wilbur was making his way out of the room he felt something grab his arm on the way out. He jumped a tad before turning around and realizing Schlatt had grabbed his sleeve. "Uh.. yea?" Wilbur says confused. "Stay." Is all the tired man mutters. "Wha-" Wilbur starts to question before Schlatt yanks his sleeve towards the bed. "Schlatt I'm not going to lay down, you can sleep here I'll go sleep on the couch." Wilbur says not sure what the tired ones motives were. "Sleep with me." Schlatt says flatly, heat rises into Wilbur's face swiftly. "You want me to What now?" Wilbur asks for a confirmation.

"Sleep." Schlatt says eyes still closed. "Schlatt you're tired let me go-" that obviously wasn't the right thing to say, for Schlatt had yanked so hard on Wilbur's sleeve that Wilbur had stumbled and fallen into the bed. Not in a too comfortable position, but on the bed nonetheless. "Sleep" Schlatt says contently gripping onto Wilbur's waist. "S-Schlatt what are you doing??" Wilbur asks very conflicted, 'should I stay and just let him sleep or get up and go sleep on the couch?' He says contemplating his options.

'Option two.' He agrees with himself, he wiggles a bit trying to loosen himself from schlatt's grip. No use. He's stuck, 'ok option one it is' his mind says giving up automatically. He sighed laying there, sleep getting the best of him. "Can't wait to see how this ends in the morning." He whispers aloud. A few more moments of silence go by before he closes his eyes. Saying two more words, before drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight schlatt."

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