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Schlatt threw his keys into a random direction as he entered his apartment. The moonlight leaking through the window in the living room. Schlatt slowly made his way to the couch and slumped down.

Schlatt had a bowl of cereal and a remote occupying both hands. The screen in front of him flashing different colors, Schlatt wasn't sure what he was watching he was in his own world inside his mind.

He had eventually washed his bowls and went to shower, he had turned the water on and waited for it to warm. Schlatt stood In front of the bathroom mirror, shirt on the floor pants still on him. He stared at his reflection, mind running. "Maybe this bath'll help me relax" Schlatt sighed saying aloud.

Schlatt had been sitting on the shower floor for the past hour or two, he wasn't sure. It was driving him insane. Wilbur was driving him insane. Schlatt had not been able to get Wilbur off his mind since the kiss. He decided it was better to try to think about this again later.

Schlatt had eventually dried and dressed himself. He walked out of the bathroom, his hair was drying fast, fuzzing up quickly. He walked to his washing machine and threw the towels in. Schlatt's mind was blank. He had finally been able to push his feelings away, at least for the time being. Maybe sleep could help fend these feelings off.

Schlatt couldn't sleep that night. As soon as his head hit the pillow the feelings and emotions rushed back. He couldn't stop them they were all so swift to attack his mind and heart. He laid on his bed missing the feeling of Wilbur next to him. He raised a hand and lightly touched his lips with a finger.

Wilbur had kissed him on the lips. Wilbur, Wilbur did it. Schlatt had no control over the kiss it was all wilbur. 'So does that mean Wilbur likes him back?' Schlatt's mind was overrun with many thoughts. All of them containing Wilbur's name.

Schlatt moved in his bed. 'There was no way Wilbur didn't share the same feelings. It was all to.. real?' Schlatt looked at his hand, the one he used to shove snow in Wilbur's face. "'It was an apology for not doing it in the snow'" Wilbur's words played back. 'He was going to kiss me in the snow' schlatt thought, still staring at his empty hand.

'And then he just.. left.' Schlatt closed his hand and it turned to a soft fist. 'No' Schlatt said to himself. He shot up from his bed and ran out of his apartment not even locking it. He started his car and drove away.

His car came to an abrupt stop in front of Wilbur's apartment complex. He grabbed his phone and left the car. He heard the two beeps from the car confirming it locked. Schlatt sprinted up to Wilbur's door. 'Come on come on come on' his mind repeated.

He stopped in front of the wooden passage and knocked on it. 'Please please please please' the door opened slowly. "Schlatt..?" Wilbur said groggily rubbing his eye with one hand. Schlatt launched himself forwards and connected his lips to Wilbur's. He wrapped his arms around Wilbur's neck and held on tight.

Wilbur stumbled back and closed his eyes accepting the situation very quickly. He lead his hands through schlatt's soft hair. Wilbur pulled away and looked into schlatt's eyes. Their breathing was hard but neither cared they both leaned in and continued to kiss.

This was no normal kiss, it was full of passion. There was no way they both didn't feel the same. Their hearts were beating fast and in sync. Wilbur opened his eyes and used one of his arms to shut the front door, because privacy y'know?

Schlatt broke away his arms still around Wilbur's neck. His tongue was lolled out of his mouth, he took one of his sleeves and wiped his mouth, he let the sleeve lay over his mouth. "Schlatt-" Wilbur started but was shortly silenced by Schlatt looking away.

"Do you feel the same?" Schlatt asked not able to handle eye contact. Wilbur's eyes softened at the sight of the boy in front of him. "The kiss wasn't an obvious giveaway?" Wilbur said chuckling as he pulled Schlatt into his chest and held him tight. "You're adorable Schlatt.. you cant stay away from me for more than four hours" Schlatt blushed no longer hiding behind his sleeve, but hiding his face in Wilbur's thin, wrinkled shirt.

"And to answer your question.. yea. I'm at least 100% sure we both share these feelings." Wilbur's eyes trailed down to schlatt eyes. Wilbur moved away from Schlatt and grabbed his hand. He walked off in the direction of his room and while on their way he intertwined his fingers with schlatt's.

"Uh.. Wilbur why did you bring me to your room?" Schlatt said nervously blushing at his and Wilbur's intertwined hands. "Well before you decided to come and pay me a visit at.." Wilbur paused to look at his phone. "..Roughly 2:47am I was doing what any normal human is probably doing at that time. I was sleeping." Wilbur said moving his sheets and blankets around to lay down.

Schlatt stared at Wilbur, the British boy turned from facing the wall to facing Schlatt. "Come on what are you waiting for?" Schlatt stood dumbfounded. 'Was this really happening?' He asked himself. He moved a foot forward as if to ask permission to continue. 'How is this real?' His mind quizzes.

"Come join me" Wilbur said, his smile evident in his voice. Schlatt softly smirked and continued making his way to the bed. It was warm, and it smelt like cinnamon and syrup. Schlatt wriggled a bit, Wilbur had wrapped his arms around schlatt's waist. He smiled, feeling as safe as ever in Wilbur's arms, 'I could stay like this forever.' Schlatt suddenly felt very drowsy, easily falling asleep in the warm grasp of his... friend? They'd need to talk about that in the morning.

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