Connors Thoughts

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- Connors pov -

Connor knows what he did. He knows exactly what he's done. He had purposely told Schlatt and Wilbur he would come with them for their, as Connor likes to call it, study date. Connor knows what's up. The way they look at each other, the way they smile and laugh with each other. Connor leans back in the chair he's currently sitting in.

It's a small crush, quickly developing into love. It's so obvious even them themselves don't notice it. Connor smirks to himself, he's doing them a favor. 'I wonder what they're doing right now..' Connor ponders. He sips his water, still leaning back in his chair. "I should-" he starts to say aloud before chaos strikes. "NO!" He yells, the chair slipping on the floor, tipping more and more backwards. "NO NO FUCK-" he screams as he, the water bottle and the chair collide with the floor. "Dammit." He grumbles, now covered in water and on the floor. He sat up looking around, "I'm never leaning back in my chair again." He says to himself as he stood up, picking the chair and water bottle up. "Maybe the group chat will have something interesting to say." Connor says picking up his phone and opening iMessage.


Carson: cum is stored in the brain, and I've got a headache.
Noah: and on that note, I'm going to bed.
Charlie: fireflies are stored in my jar.
Travis: huh?
Pokay: if you type something after this message you're gay
Hank: Carson what are you talking about?
Cooper: all of you need to go to bed right now.
Carson: it's all facts in this chat.
Connor: well in that case all of you are stupid.

Connor rolls his eyes and turns off his phone. 'I will never understand anything that happens in that group chat.' Connor thought to himself. "Time to clean up this mess." He says to himself. Grabbing a mop and some towels he gets started on cleaning up the wet mess of a floor.

Connor sighed sitting down on his computer chair opening a streaming device. he was tired from cleaning and decided some gaming and a chill stream would be nice, even though he has school tomorrow. 'It's one more day before Christmas break what's that going to do to hurt me?' He thinks to himself. Connor types up a title and some description. "Let's get this started." Connor says aloud to himself, before starting the stream and joining a Minecraft server.

A/N: sorry for the super short chapter I had family over this weekend, I'll try making up for it with a long next chapter :)))

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