Waffle.. Date?

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Schlatt and Wilbur sat down at a booth, one at the very front of the Waffle House so they could see out the window. They sat across from each other, both staring at nothing and everything.

"Hello welcome to Waffle House what would you like?" A waiter with a yellow apron comes over to the table. 'Oh for fucks sake-' "OH SCHLATT-" the waiter jumps back. "well well well.. Why aren't you in school mr Ted Nevision?" Schlatt asks watching him compose himself. "I got off early so I could work. Fancy seeing you here huh?" Ted says adjusting his rounded glasses. "Sure." Schlatt responds sarcasm evident in his voice. "Anyways let me do my job and take you.. guys order." Ted says noticing Wilbur was with Schlatt.

"You can order first Wilbur," Schlatt says looking at the British boy who was fiddling with his long sleeve. "Oh. Uh.. I'll have the chocolate chip waffles" he says looking down at the menu. "Ok and you Schlatt?" Ted turns his attention to him. "Uhh.. just normal waffles for me." Schlatt says sliding the menu to the end of the table. "Ok and your drinks?" Ted says scribbling some words down.. probably their orders. "I'll have orange juice" Wilbur speaks, his attention still fixated on his sleeve. "I'll have a water." Schlatt finishes. "Is that all?" Ted asks, looking between the two. They both nod in agreement, weirdly in sync. "Ok I'll be back with your food and drinks in a few minutes." Ted walks off leaving Schlatt and Wilbur to themselves.

"Are you going to start getting ready for the party soon?" Wilbur asks finally breaking the silence between the two. 'Why is he so timid all of a sudden?' Schlatt questions. "Yea I've got Carson and Connor to help me on Thursday so everything should be ready for the party on Friday." Schlatt answers. "What are we going to be doing?" Wilbur says his brown eyes looking up from his sleeves. "Uh.. we'll probably play a few games like smash bros, Mario kart.. stuff like that. There'll be drinks too, y'know since most of us are at least 18, close enough to the drinking age. It's not like anyone would tattle because it's just going to be close friends or classmates of mine that I trust even if we're not close, y'know? Oh yea and there'll a DJ or have a song request type thing, I'm not to sure about that yet." Schlatt mutters on to himself not realizing that he's rambling.

"...I'm sure it's going to be fun but you don't have to come if you're not comfortable." He finishes, his eyes trailing up to Wilbur's. The British boys face was resting on the palm of his hand and he was staring directly at Schlatt. "Are you done rambling Schlatt?" He says clearly amused. Schlatt is speechless, 'I feel as if I've been put under a spell and I can't move' he thinks..

  "ah- yea! Sorry I didn't mean to.. ramble..." Schlatt mutters putting his face into the palm of his hands, his long sweater sleeves covering half of his blushing face. "It's fine" Wilbur says his eyes still focused on Schlatt. He whispered something to himself, Schlatt couldn't tell what he said but whatever it was it only made him feel more flustered.

  For some odd reason.. his mind working on its own terms, he spoke "did you say something Wilbur?" His mischievous eyes poked out from his sleeves, steam might as well be rising from his face because Schlatt felt like he was on fire. 'WHY DID I SAY THAT- THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN—' he was at war with his own mind, that is, until Wilbur spoke up.

  "I said your rambling is quite cute." Wilbur moved his hand from the side of his face to flat on the table so Schlatt could hear him clearly. "W-uh.. uhm—" Schlatt.exe has shut down please reboot. Wilbur was smiling like an idiot, his sleeve placed upon his face again. Schlatt was saved as ted approached their table, food on two plastic trays and drinks in his other hand "Here's your food" Ted says as he places two trays down. "And your drinks" he sets two glasses down. "Enjoy.. and leave a generous tip" he winked and walked off to wait another table.

The two boys sat in silence and they chowed down on their food. Schlatt was still dusted pink at the cheeks from their earlier conversation. He tried not to think about it, but he couldn't help it. Wilbur was getting more.. adventurous at 'flirting' with him. Either that or he's just being friendly, probably the second one. Schlatt had been poking at his left over food for the past five minutes, occasionally looking out the window to see people coming and leaving. Schlatt's eyes caught onto three teens walking towards the Waffle House.

If he wasn't mistaken they were all in his English class, one of their names being Zak. He pretty sure it was the one with the quiff, he only knew because that name was constantly getting yelled by one of his other friends. He'd talk to them maybe once. They all seemed pretty nice though, very close to each other. Schlatt's eyes unintentionally crawled over to Wilbur, he was on his phone typing something. Schlatt looked at Wilbur's eyes, not really sure why. Wilbur decided it was a good idea to look up, the boys made eye contact. They were both silent their gazes holding for about five seconds until the bell on the Waffle House door chimed.

"-STOP CALLING ME BALD, DO I LOOK BALD TO YOU??" Schlatt turned his body to look behind him, the three classmates, he forgot they were walking in. "I mean it could be a wig." One of them states, a very heavy accent attached. "Baldboyhalo is a potato-" the other sang, "skeppy hush were in public! Behave, both of you." He says hushing them, they make their way to the opposite side of the restaurant.

'Well that was something.' Schlatt thought to himself turning his body back to face the table. "Are you ready to leave?" Wilbur asks as if nothing just happened. "Well I have to pay-" Schlatt started "Ted already came to our table, I paid." Wilbur smiles "oh ok, I'll pay you back later, how much was it?" "Oh no! You don't have to pay for anything it's a thanks for being to welcoming and sweet to me" Wilbur says waving his hands. "Are you sure?" Schlatt asks, "yea it's fine." Wilbur confirms standing up. Schlatt followed, "ladies first" Wilbur held the door for Schlatt to walk through "ha ha very funny Wilbur." Schlatt slides his gloves back on, the bitter cold biting at him. "Cold" Wilbur says, condensation followed his words. "Wilbur hurry I want to go home it's freezing" schlatt's teeth were chattering. "Ok fine-" Wilbur stopped walking. "What is it?" Schlatt turned noticing the taller wasn't following anymore.

  "Schlatt do you see this?" Wilbur questions moving closer. "Huh?" "look!" Wilbur whisper screamed. Schlatt chuckled noticing it, "it's snowing?" He looks up at Wilbur "Well hurry and get in the car and when we get to my apartment we can maybe, MAYBE! Have a snowball fight." Schlatt turns. Wilbur's eyes lit up, "let's go!" He grabbed schlatt's arm and ran towards the car.

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