Snowball Fights and Warmth

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Schlatt had parked his car at his designated parking spot, the snow had indeed come down harder then earlier, earning a happy smile from Wilbur. "Hurry lets go!" Wilbur shouts practically leaping out of the passengers seat of schlatt's car.

Schlatt followed, his car beeped in the background notifying that it locked. Schlatt smiled as he saw Wilbur grabbing some snow, "why are you so happy about the frozen water?" Schlatt says stopping and staring down at him "..well" Wilbur said before quickly throwing a ball of snow at his blue sweater.

Schlatt gasped looking down at his freezing chest. "You little," Schlatt bent down quickly making two spheres. "Get back here!" He yelled sprinting after Wilbur. "Neverrr!" He yelled back. Schlatt smiled thinking of a master plan. He crouched behind a bush and snickered, hidden in plain sight.

"Schlatt?" Wilbur called no longer seeing the dirty blond chasing him. "Schlatt?" He called louder walking back to where he last saw him. "Where'd you go?" He questioned starting to get worried. "I'm sorry about the-" Wilbur was interrupted by a cold impact directly on his face. He fell dramatically making contact with the cold ground.

Schlatt burst into laughter as he witnessed his snowball hitting Wilbur spot on in the face. He put a hand to his face wiping his tears off. Pushing himself off the ground he made his way over to Wilbur who was now laying in the snow. "Wilbur you ok?" Schlatt asked still giddy and giggling from the chain of events. No response.

"Wilbur?" Schlatt asked staring at him "Wilbur are you ok, did I hit you too hard??" Schlatt asked crouching down to see if he was hurt. "Wilbur..?" Schlatt whispered putting his hand on his shoulder.

"RAH-!" Wilbur flipped and tackled Schlatt into the snow. They made contact with the hardened ground, Wilbur with his hands on either side of schlatt's head. He was laughing, Schlatt stared at him. He couldn't help it. What a sight, Wilbur over him laughing like there's no tomorrow, enjoying himself. Schlatt smiled, his eyes not taken off Wilbur for even a second.

Wilbur's laughs had died down, his eyes had opened, he realized the position he had put himself and Schlatt. His cold and pale face has morphed pink and red. "Uh.." he whispered. Both just stayed staring, Wilbur's arms started to shake and weaken because of the way he laid. He dismissed the hurting in his arms, the eye contact overcame the weakness.

He slowly moved from his hands to his forearms, lowering himself closer to schlatts face. Neither broke eye contact, their faces were about 10 inches away. "Wilbur.." Schlatt whispered "yea?" Wilbur answered. "I'm sorry." Schlatt whipped his hand from above his head and into Wilbur's face, again. His hand was full of snow.

Schlatt grabbed his stomach and cackled. Wilbur rolled over next to Schlatt, his back on the snow. Schlatt sat up still laughing "I'm so sorry my back was getting soaked and I felt like I was going to contract hypothermia." He said between laughs. Wilbur had wiped the snow from his face and was using his breath and wet gloves to warm himself up. "You're an idiot Schlatt." He said quivering from the cold.

Schlatt had stood up and lent his hand to Wilbur. "Come on we're both going to get hypothermia if we don't go inside." Wilbur latched onto his hand. Schlatt yanked him up to his feet.

Schlatt had made them both hot chocolate, Wilbur was fixing blankets on the couch. They had agreed on watching a few Christmas movies. Schlatt made his way over to Wilbur who had sat himself down, "thank you Schlatt." He said sipping the drink. "You're welcome." Schlatt responded not drinking from his mug since he had made his second, it was undoubtedly hotter than Wilbur's.

Both had made it through two Christmas's movies now but schlatt's eyes had become increasingly tired so he decided to lay down. "Wilbur could you scoot over a bit? I don't want to lay on top of you." He says shuffling around. "Why don't you lay your head on my lap?" Wilbur proposed "a-are you sure?" Schlatt asked looking at Wilbur. "Yea sure I don't mind" Wilbur patted his lap welcomely. "Uh. Ok." Schlatt laid himself down his head resting on Wilbur's lap.

Schlatt had made it about 30 more minutes into the movie they were watching until he fell asleep. Wilbur smiled looking down at the boy sleeping peacefully in his lap, he intertwined his hand into his hair. It was soft and smooth. Wilbur had stayed like that for a while, playing with schlatt's hair while the movie played. He soon yawned covering his mouth with his hand.

He shifted and moved finally making himself comfortable on the couch. He was laying behind Schlatt, his arms wrapped around smallers waste. "Sleep tight Schlatt" Wilbur whispered into his hair, he shut his eyes and his breathing slowed. The snow fell peacefully outside, both boys now together on the couch warmed up.

Schlatt had woken up to Wilbur's face. He was staring at schlatt, "good evening sleeping beauty." He said smirking. "Uh.. good evening Wilbur?" Schlatt has his arms up to his chest, one of Wilbur's arms was lazily slung 'round schlatt's waste. "You need to take me home soon, you have some planning and preparing to do and I'm a distraction." Wilbur stated burying his head into schlatt's folded arms. "When do you want me to take you? Schlatt asked looking down at the brown haired boy. "In a little bit is fine." Wilbur mumbled. Schlatt nodded agreeing, his heart beating out of his chest.

They'd both eventually gotten up and left schlatt's apartment. Wilbur left with one of schlatt's blankets saying that he wouldn't step outside again unless he could take one. They both rode in silence to Wilbur's apartment only the navigation speaking every few minutes.

Schlatts car slowed to a stop outside of Wilbur's apartment. "Thanks for today Wilbur it was fun" Schlatt turned smiling "you too Schlatt." He said opening the car door. Schlatt watched as he made his way over to the drivers side window. Schlatt rolled the window down, "yea?" Schlatt asked turning his body to lean an arm on the door. Wilbur bent down to schlatts eye level, "thank you for the blanket" Wilbur smiled softly. "N..No problem." Schlatt stuttered, Wilbur's smile making his stomach feel like it was full of butterflies.

Wilbur suddenly leaned into the car window and connected his lips with schlatt's. Schlatt's eyes whipped open, then closed shortly after. 'This is a dream, there is no way-' Schlatt decided to shut up and go with it. Dream or not, fuck it.

He kissed back wrapping his hands around Wilbur's neck. Wilbur's tongue slipped into Schlatt's mouth unexpectedly, their kiss moving fast but so slow at the same time. Schlatt tilted his head upwards, fixing his posture and melting into the kiss. Their tongues fought for a little bit, Wilbur's winning quickly. They stayed like that, kissing back and forward, for about a minute or two. Schlatt eventually pulled back, his face a hint of purple, tinted from both lack of oxygen and blush.

Both boys were breathing hard, a string of saliva broken between the two as they moved apart. Schlatt's chest rose and fell, his mouth open and his body burning with a new found rush of adrenaline.

"Wha-" "that was because I didn't get the chance to do it in the snow." Wilbur said wiping his mouth with a grin before quickly turning and walking off to his apartment. "Bye Schlatt!" He waved from his door, still grinning. Schlatt raised a hand and stiffly waved.

Schlatt drove home in silence thinking about today's events over and over, the snow still falling lightly.

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