5. Ethan

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Being called to the boss' office first thing in the morning wasn't too unusual, but it was different enough to get his attention. Either she had a high-value client coming in or there had been trouble with one of the studs overnight.

Sighing, he left the tiny box that masqueraded as his room and made his way to Ms. Haranne's office. Straightening his tie before running a hand through his hair, he paused outside the door and took a deep breath before knocking. She may only be an omega and a third his size, but the woman literally controlled his life.

Ethan immediately noticed the other woman in the room when Ms. Haranne opened the door and ushered him in. Though she was sitting in a wheelchair, he could tell she was about average height or slightly below. Her dark hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, light brown eyes focusing on him.

Peeling his eyes from the woman's obvious curves, Ethan tried to focus on Ms. Haranne as she returned to her place behind her desk.

"Ms. Praine, this is the head of my security team, Ethan Cirlee. Ethan, this is Penelope Praine. She's looking to hire a bodyguard."

Nodding to his boss, he looked down at Penelope, moving closer to her as she lifted a hand to him. Taking it gently in his, he gave a light squeeze as he mumbled a, "Nice to meet you." Drawing in a deep breath as she smiled up at him, he caught the sweet notes of jasmine wafting up from her with the undeniable scent of omega.

Releasing her hand, he cleared his throat and stepped away.

"I called you in to help decide who would be the best option."

Hesitating for a moment to get the growl that wanted to come from him under control at the thought of Penelope alone with another Alpha, Ethan cleared his throat again.

"What is the bodyguard for?" he finally managed to ask, looking back down at the omega that was already calling up his protective instincts.

"My ex. He's been stalking me and yesterday he managed to corner me, then last night I found a note in my apartment. He's scared of Alphas, so I think just having someone with me will scare him off."

Trying to think of more questions for her, he asked, "What do you do? Will he be able to get to you during the day or are you only worried about when you are at home?"

"I'm a personal shopper."

She raised an eyebrow at his blank stare before explaining.

"People hire me to shop for them. I mostly pick out clothing, but it means that I visit multiple stores a day. And I'm usually walking unless its one of the few clients I have that get large orders. That's how he found me yesterday, walking between shops."

"Does your apartment building have security?"

"The building does have security guards, but last night proved they can't stop him from getting in."

Nodding, Ethan tried to figure out a way to be sure he was the one that she hired. He didn't know what it was, but something about her made him want to be sure that he was the one keeping her safe.

"So, you will need someone with you constantly. The best thing would be if they stayed in your apartment with you."

"That could work," she said hesitantly. "I have an extra room."

Glancing between Penelope and Ms. Haranne, he knew that automatically suggesting himself may seem suspicious, so he had to be careful.

"I would have suggested Daniel since he's the oldest of the guards and probably the steadiest, but he was injured last week. Charles might work..."

"He was actually chosen by a client so he wouldn't be available for this," Ms. Haranne spoke up. "What about James?"

"He's our newest, I'm not really sure he is ready for being out in public," Ethan said cautiously.

Pausing and pretending to think, Ethan finally announced his idea.

"Nathan has been my second for a while now, what if I went with Ms. Praine and he can have the chance to prove himself?"

Narrowing her eyes at him, Ms. Haranne studied him in silence. Forcing himself to remain completely still, Ethan waited, trying to come up with a response for any argument she could have.

"I suppose that could work. Ms. Praine, does that work for you? I assure you Ethan is our best."

He could feel Penelope's eyes on him as he kept his focused forwards, staring at the space just above his boss' head. Feeling his heartrate speed up, he realized this little woman had made him nervous. Not sure what had gotten into him, he gave a barely perceptible shake of his head to try to get himself to focus.

He didn't want her to choose him because he didn't want another Alpha around her, he wanted her to choose him because he really was the best. He had years of experience as a guard and could beat any of the others at The Haven in a fight. No one would be able to keep her as safe as he could.

It seemed to take forever before the weight of her gaze left him and she finally spoke up.

"Sounds perfect. Do you have the contract for me?"

Ethan carefully released the breath he had been holding, surprised at the relief coursing through him.

"Of course. Ethan, go ahead and pack your things. When is the court date?" Ms. Haranne asked.

"I don't have one yet."

Ethan could hear the regret in Penelope's voice, and he tried to keep a lid on the anger building in him at whoever had hurt her and scared her so bad she didn't want to be in her own home alone.

"Assume she will need you for a month. Meet back here when you are ready," Ms. Haranne said, dismissing him.

Nodding, he turned and left the office, almost jogging to his room to throw everything he had into his bag.

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