Chapter Three : Exhaustion

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Lucy's POV

We made it to Bicara Town a few hours later. My back was sore, but the others didn't need to know that.

Entering the town, we asked directions from people near where we came in. Eventually, we were lead to a mansion on the hill. Apparently, the bandits had a camp in the forest. So, that's where we are headed now.

"These guys are gunna be a piece of cake!" Grey said. Me and Erza exchanged smiles. Natsu and Happy went to check ahead, leaving Grey, Erza and I to try and actually find the camp.

"Omph..." I felt my stomach rise to my throat, following a wave of nausea. I ran through a nearby bush, vomiting my contents into it. I wiped my mouth off, and went back to the path.

"Sorry about that guys." Grey and Erza stared at me, slightly concerned.

"Lucy! You're sick! You shouldn't be up and about - little alone fighting!" Erza scolded me.

"No! I'm not sick! I'm fine.." I started walking ahead of them, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't push yourself Lucy." Common Grey, his brotherly instincts kicking in.

"Grey. I'm fine. I just want to get this done and over with." I said shoving his hand off my shoulder. I pushed forwards, determined to convince them I was NOT sick! Sprinting through the trees, I landed in a pile of mud. They had surely lost me!

"Well, what do we have here...?" A voice chuckled above me.

I looked up, staring into the eyes of the group of bandits. I scanned over them all quickly until I came across one. A pair of bright blue eyes, glinting with hints of red.

Opening my mouth to speak, he shook his head at me. I had to bite my lip to keep from saying anything.

"I asked you a question! Answer me!!!!" He gripped my hair, and shoved my face into the mud. "Still not talking huh? I'll make you!" He raised his foot, about to stomp on my head when I heard a very familiar voice.


"H-Happy?" I managed to catch a glimpse of him, tearing my eyes from the man.

"Natsu's coming Lushe! Hold on!" His high pitched voice gave me a hint of hope. The man who 'did' me was going to be caught!

But, I was horrified.

As my sights turned back to where the man was standing, there was nothing but thin, invisible air.

"You jerks!" I stood up, pushing the man who was holding me down to the ground.

I pulled out my magic whip, hitting the bandits around me harshly.

"Get.. away.. from.. LUCE!!" Natsu came diving in from above, his fists lit on fire.

He pushed his back against mine, prepared to fight.

"You ready to fight these bozo's Luce?" He mumbled loudly, like a cocky kid just before he gets killed.

"Hai!" I shouted proudly, as if to give myself confidence. Eh, who am I kidding? We have Natsu, so we're practically guaranteed to win!


"Your welcome!" I waved while smiling warmly at our client. The job was done, and I now had just enough for my rent.

All that was left to do currently, was go home!

*Returning to the Guild*

"We're back!" Grey shouted.

"Oi! I wanted to say that!" Natsu and grey started fighting, and Erza went to eat some cake. I went to Mira.

"Hey Mira?"

"Oh your back! That was fast! Anyways, want the normal?" She started pulling out the blender.

"Oh, no thanks. I was just wondering if Master was here?" She eyed me questioning, but then answered.

"No, he actually left for a conference this morning. Why?" She leaned forwards, ear pointed towards me. Like that would actually help her get an answer.

"Oh, no reason. Would you mind letting me know when he gets back? Just send Natsu or something.. I'm just going to go home for a few days." I waved goodbye to Mira, trudging tiredly out of the guild - unnoticed.

I locked the door behind me, got dressed in PJ's, and flopped on the bed. Being as tired as I was - I would probably sleep for days.

As long as I wasn't interrupted.


Well how was it? Be sure to;




...on what you think is going to happen, or should happen!

Keep Livin' the Life,


Stolen Away (Zeref X Lucy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant