Chapter Eleven : Strawberries and Vanilla

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SERIOUS QUESTION. Do you guys want me to go through her pregnancy? Or just skip to a few days before? Or AFTER the birth? Comment your answers because I need to know!!!


Lucy's POV

I had been sick the past few weeks. I put on quite a lot of weight, but I wasn't worried. It's that feeling. This time, I planned on going alone. I was going to drop Allen off at the guild, then leave.

"Mama? Where are you going today?" Allen looks up at me.

"You'll have to wait and see, pumpkin." He grinned at my words, and we continued to walk silently.

When the guild came into view, I gave him a nod, and he sprinted ahead. Where do children get their energy? When I finally got there, I popped my head in the door.

"We all good?" Allen was already over with Natsu, and he gave me a thumbs up with a smile.

I was about to leave when a voice boomed across the guild.

"Be back soon, Lucy." Master gazed upon me, about to burst into tears.

"You'll be the first to know, Master." I smiled feeling confident, and started my journey.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

I'm getting a sense of deja-vu... Hm, probably just my imagination.

"Oh hello Madame Lucy! Long time, no see!" Dr. Kedic smiles warmly, giving me a kiss on each cheek. "Are you ready to begin?"

"Of course! Ready as I'll ever be..."


Master's POV

I watch Allen from above wondering and pondering. Both his parents are magical users, aren't they? So shouldn't he have a natural ability of some kind?

I put my finger to my lip in thought. I'm not actually sure of Dominick's magic - or if he even is a wizard for that matter.

No! It's Lucy's decision when Allen finds out his magic!

...But just simply trying to find which kind wouldn't hurt...

"Allen..." I whisper under my breath, but he suddenly looks up at me.

"Yeah Grandpa?" He responds casually. I stagger back a bit, slightly shocked. Perhaps a dragon slayer?

"Do you know what type of magic you use?" I walk towards him, trying to calm myself. But then I sweat drop when realizing he's almost taller than me.

"Hmm, no. I didn't know I have magic!" His face lights up suddenly. "Do you know what kind of magic I have?" I smile sadly and shake my head no.

"But, we can figure it out if you want to give it a try." I grin at him as he eagerly nods his head. "Ok, take a deep whiff in... what do you smell?" He inhales deeply, and stares at me with wide eyes.

"I smell fish, and... burning. Something's burning." I look around and spot Natsu burning up one of Happy's fish. Poor Happy.

"Well, let me know if you smell anything... different." I give him a nod, and then go to sit with Mira at the bar.


"Grandpa! Grandpa! I smell something weird!" Allen runs up to me, barelly controlling his excitement. "It smells like.." He inhales..."...Strawberries, vanilla." Another inhale. "It smells like.. Mama."

It was almost at that moment that Lucy walked into the guild. She was smiling broadly. I forgot about Allen's magic, and waited for the signal.

Lucy's POV

I stare at master, about to cry. Giving him a small nod, he folded his hands neatly behind his back and gave a smile that made him look like he was nearly in tears.

"4 months, Master." I say smiling. Allen looks at me strangely, and slightly confused.

"4 months until what, Mama?" I go up to him and ruffle his hair.

"You'll see soon pumpkin." I smile at him, and walk up to Master.

"Oh! Lucy, do you know if Dominick uses magic? Or has it in his family?" Slight panicked, I stagger back a bit.

"I - er - we, as a family, prefer.... I don't know if Dominick would like me to share that. I mean he is -" Stupid, stupid, stupid! I just about told Master that he was a black wizard! "Why do you ask?"

"I think that Allen may be a dragon slayer of some kind. Seconds before you had come in, he had told me he smelled a scent of strawberries and vanilla. After a few moments, he then told me it kind of smelled like you." I raise my hand to my chin, thinking.

"Hey, Natsu!" I look around and eventually spot Natsu with Happy, burning one of his fish.

"Yeah Luce?" He whips around and runs over, slapping Happy in the face with a now burnt fish.

"What do I NORMALLY smell like?" If I didn't put 'normally' in that sentence, all my self confidence would be gone right then and there!

"Well it's hard to forget Luce!" He closes his eyes halfway, as if picture my scent in his mind. "...Strawberries, and... vanilla. Same sweet smell as always." He stares at me intently, and I keep getting the feeling I had missed something.

"I agree Mama! You do smell like strawberries and vanilla!" Allen says, tugging my my hand slightly.

I smile sadly, thinking of the day he'll be all grown up and he won't.. need.. me.. anymore..

Pushing the thoughts out of my mind, I remembered something I had wanted to tell Allen.

"Hey Allen?" He looks up at me with his large chocolatey orbs. "Mama... Mama has a surprise for you. But it's a secret. Would you like to go for a walk so Mama can tell you?"

His face lights up with a smile, and he nods - a small blush of excitement on his cheeks.


"Let's sit here pumpkin." We had walked deep into the woods, which made the less likely of someone - anyone - to hear.

"What's the surprise Mama?" He snuggles his head into my arm,curling up next to me.

"Well, Allen, you know Mama loves you very much, and so does Daddy. But, we - I - us..." I struggled to find the right words.

"Mama, I know what you need to tell me. I can feel it right here." He pokes, and then starts rubbing my belly.

"You're too smart Allen. But, yes. You're going to be a big brother."


Now, BEFORE you click out of this book, be sure to;




...answering my question at the very beginning of the book! Because I need your answers!

Keep Livin' the Life,

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