Chapter Five : Telling the Guild

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Lucy's POV

"Miss Lucy, you're pregnant."

My jaw dropped.

Laxus's eyes widened.

Master just stared.

We were all shocked.

"Lucy?! One of my children? PREGNANT?" Master kept mumbling to himself, trying to put pieces together.

"M-Master! Please! You... you mustn't tell anyone! Not yet.. I-I-"

"Lucy, my child. I swear - " He nudged Laxus. "- We swear not to tell anyone. It is not something to be shared with anyone apart from whomever you decide on." He smiled at me, although there was still uncertainty behind it.

Laxus on the other hand was blushing a furious red. He had his hands covering his mouth, and he just stared.

"W-we should get going. I don't want anyone getting suspicious."


Time-skipping about 2 and a half months. In between things go on as normal, and Lucy's nausea goes away.


I got up, 6 am sharp. It was monday now. An entire weekend and I have gained a LOT of baby weight. This morning I woke up early because the baby had been kicking a ton. Also because I was nervous.

I hadn't been to the guild in the past few weeks, so people were bound to notice my baby bump.

I have decided. If anyone asks, I'll tell them the truth.

I put on a tight striped dress, but cover it up with a loose orange jacket. Putting my hair into a low ponytail, a stare into the mirror. I stare at my stomach smiling. Slowly, I start rubbing it in admiration. I was going to be a mother. None of us know what the gender is, but I've still started thinking of names.

Walking outside, I realized just how hot it was. I was sweating like a hog already, and the guild will probably be even hotter than outside.

Walking into the guild quietly, quite a few people shot me worried glances, but so far, no one really close to me. Until...

"Lucy! Where have you been?" Erza ran up to me. "We knew you were sick but not that sick!" She scanned me up and down. "Not to mention you're sweating lie a pig! Let me help you take your jacket off."

"NO!" I pulled away. "..Erm I-I mean..u-uh.. No thank... thank you." I backed away slowly, but I could still feel her and a few others stares burning into me.

"Lucy. I know your hiding something beneath that jacket." Grey popped up behind me.

"O-ok. I have some good news! I was trying to hold it off for a bit but no longer I guess." I went to the second floor and knocked on the master's door.

"Yes?" I peeked my head in and gave him a nod. He smiled from ear to ear nodding his head. He hopped off his desk, and onto the railing of the second floor.

"Alright! Listen up you brats! As some of you may have noticed, Lucy here hasn't been around a lot lately." I noticed Natsu staring up at us with curiosity, and wondered how this would affect him. "Well, she has a few things to share." Master grinned broadly at me as I looked to my guild members.

"As my teammates know, I threw up a lot. I've been exhausted, and have been putting on quite a few pounds. Well.. that's all due to a new member of the guild." I smiled, tearing up slightly. "Now I don't know it's name, nor gender, but I know it will be amazing." Seeing the confused faces, I slowly un-did my jacket, and threw it to the Master. I then turned to right, revealing my oversized belly.

"I'm pregnant!" The guild collapsed into laughter and cheers. Congratulations were spread, and Mira was fantasizing, as the guild should be.

But I was still scared. I have no reason to be, so why am I?

"Oi Luce! Congratulations!" Natsu was beaming as he came up to me.

"Thanks Natsu!" I put enthusiasm into my voice, but... how does he feel? Is he really not going to pry into it? What about Grey and Erza? Will they try to ask more questions?

"Lucy! Hey Lucy!" The short bluenette runs up to me, Carla not far behind. "Congrats! But.." Carla shot her a stern look, probably because she knew was she was going to ask.

"It's fine Carla. What were you going to ask Wendy?" I smile at her warmly, hoping to make her and her questions feel welcome.

"Well, Lucy-chan.. I-I was wondering.. who's the father?" My smile disappeared and she looked to her feet. "We all would have guessed Natsu, but you guys haven't been overly lovey. In fact, Natsu was one the first to congratulate you. So...?" As she lifted her head to look at me, my face shadowed, turning away.

"The truth is, I can't tell you. He's asked me not to, and so, I respect his wishes." Wendy stared at me, and I couldn't bare to look at her.


"Bye minna!" I waved to the guild, and started to walk home. Today has been hectic. It was late evening, but the sky was still lit up with pink.

As I locked the door behind me and prepared to go to bed, I caught myself staring into the mirror.

Rubbing my belly, I smiled. I'll love this child more than anyone else. But then a question dawned upon me, one from the conversation with Wendy and Carla earlier.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I frowned in puzzlement.

Who is the father?


Due to the title of this book, you all know who the father is, BUT - next chapter you can expect a child!!!





...on some baby names! Unisex would work, although separate boy and girl names do too!

Keep Livin' the Life,


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