Chapter Six : The Baby!

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Lucy's POV

The past 4 months have flown by quickly, and the guild has been super supportive. I'm now about... maybe 34 - 35 weeks pregnant. It's slightly scary how pregnant I am.

Huffing, and wheezing, I managed to spring myself out of bed. I took a bath and put on a simple yellow sundress, throwing my hair into a fishtail braid. I grabbed my bag, and went off to the guild.

The walks in the mornings were usually pretty quiet, considering with the baby I've been waking up about 7 am each morning - and normally start walking by 7:30.

Suddenly I stopped. Taking in my options, I decided not to go to the guild. It's not open until 8:45 anyways, so I minaswel take a detour. Looking to my left, was the park, beautiful and fresh. I started walking down the stairs but was all of a sudden stopped by the sight of someone ahead. Who would be at the park this early in the morning?

*t*n* POV

Mornings were half bad. Quiet, beautiful and fresh. I took a deep inhale. Vanilla? Strawberries? Turning around, there stood a blonde woman who was heavily pregnant, and was having troubles getting down the stairs.

I was wondering whether to help her or not, but what the hell. I'm not doing anything currently.

Running up the stairs, I took hold of one of her hands.

"Need some help?" Her brown eyes looked familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Stingy bee?"

"Blondie?! Since when were you pregnant?" I listened to the two heartbeats, hers and her child.

"Since... about.. 9 mon-... ths ago." She managed to squeeze out.

She clutched at her stomach, and looked at me with round fearful eyes.

"Is the feeling to push, mean the baby's coming?" My eyes widened. WHAT DO I DO? WHAT DO I DO?

"Yes!! Hold it in won't you!" Now thinking about it, those were stupid words.

"How do I do that..?" She looked dazed, as if about to faint.

"Hold on there Blondie!!" I scooped her up in my arms and was about to run when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey Sting. Who are you kidnapping?" Rouge teases me smirking.

"NOT RIGHT NOW ROUGE." I yell at him, still not revealing Lucy. He would kill me if he knew I was helping Blondie.

"...Rouge? Hey.. could you get me a milkshake..?" Lucy suddenly passes out in my arms.

"ROUGE WHAT DO I DO?" He looks a taken back by Lucy but nods quickly.

"To her guild moron!"

Lucy's POV

I am constantly slipping in and out of consciousness. All I know is Sting is carrying me, and Rouge, Lector, and Froshe are around here too. Looking ahead, I see the guild - which is not open yet.

Pushing myself away from Sting, a mange to stand up and scoot myself to the keys of the guild. Unlocking the door I wave at Sting and Rouge to go away before collapsing inside.


"Why is there 4 Sabers inside my guild?!" Master's voice echoes throughout the building.

"H-hello Master. Would you mind helping me to the infirmary?" He looks at me strangely before rushing to my side, determined to help me.


Natsu's POV

I frown as I see Sabertooth outside our guild.

"Oi! What're you doing here? You here for another pointless rematch?" I grin slyly.

"Get in the you fool!" Rogue hisses at me, his tone filled with venom.

"Blondie's in labour!" My eyes widen.

Lucy's giving birth?!


Grey's POV

I get to the guild slightly late, and notice commotion in the infirmary.

"What's going on?" I yell but receive no answer. Natsu's pacing back and fourth, while Levy's staring at the door nervously.

"She'll be fine Natsu. She's tougher than she looks!" Levy saids uncertainly.

"Your not helping Levy." Natsu growls as a reply.

"What's going on Levy?!" I shout at her. "Who's in there?!" I can see she's brimming on tears, probably from how nervous she is.

"Lucy's giving birth!"



Lucy's POV

I push, again, breathing heavy. This is not fun at all. Pushing again, Erza suddenly starts smiling.

Crying is heard within the room, loud and clear.

The baby was here.

Stolen Away (Zeref X Lucy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang