Chapter Fourteen : Introducing the Triplets!

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I'm sorry, but I HAD to pull that prank. That was most definitely not the last chapter.
Anyways, hope you enjoy. <3


Lucy's POV

I wake up to the crying. One cries, then another cries, and finally, the last starts to cry. Standing up, I start heading to their cribs. Levy is not far behind me, and Erza is waking up on the couch.

I pick up Isiah, the oldest of the three. Erza grabs Deonte, the middle child. Then Levy grabs the softly crying Oymiah, who we've decided on the simple nickname Mia.

I start feeding Isiah, and Levy and Erza do the same. It's been hard since Zeref had to leave right away, but the guild has really been there for me. They're all taking turns coming over to help. I also should mention how big a help Allen has been.

Putting the bottle down on the counter, I put an almost asleep Isiah in the rocker gently. He had my eyes and Zeref's pitch black hair. Deonte looked like me, with my blonde hair. But he had my father's bright blue eyes.

Oymiah on the other hand, looks exactly like her father. The same black hair, with bright red eyes. The only daughter.

Realizing I was just staring at her, I blink a few times and head to bed.


5:00am sharp. I let out a long sigh, and start to get up. I've been having the same nightmare over and over again recently. I haven't told anyone, but I know Allen's noticed my mood change.

Grabbing my outfit for today, I go into the washroom and start up the bathtub.


I stare into the mirror at my outfit - a simple no sleeve turtleneck, and jeans.

"Mama? Are you ready?" I smile at his sweet little voice, filled with concern.

"Almost pumpkin." Cleaning around the sink briefly, I unlock the door and start to get the triplets ready.

Not the ENTIRE guild has met them yet. Only Mira, Grey, Levy, Erza, and of course, Wendy. So today we're going to try taking them to the guild. Let's see how this goes.

Locking the door behind me, I turn to see Allen trying to push the stroller.

"That's alright pumpkin. Mama can do it." I noticed his face get gloomy and depressed as soon as I said that. "...But can you carry the diaper bag for Mama?" His face lit up slightly, as he smiled at me.

We walked silently, and no one else was out yet. Everything was perfect. Until...

A sharp pain shot through my head, a ringing in my ears. I fall to the ground, trying to steady myself.

Allen stops but soon runs over to me.

"Mama! Mama!" He stares at me, horrified.

"I'm fine pumpkin." I gave him a reassuring smile, which I thought I did pretty good on.

Allen's POV

"I'm fine pumpkin." She gives me a reassuring smile, which looks horribly fake.

"I'll go get help!" I am about to run to the guild to get some help for her, when her voice stops me.

"No pumpkin. No one can know. They'll... they'll just worry." Her brown eyes bore into mine, and no one can say no. But I must fight anyways!

"But Mother! You need help! It's our job to worry! Please!" Tears swell up in my eyes. "I.... we couldn't handle it if you died! Imagine how devastated dad would be!"

I blink away the tears, staring at the ground.

"Allen. I will get help. I.." She takes a deep breath. "I promise. But just give me some time. We will figure this out." She smiles at me warmly, engulfing me in her swirling brown orbs.

"Together." I add in.

She nods at me, and shakily stands up.

Lucy's POV

I use the stroller to steady myself as I stand. I can feel Allen's unease, making the rest of the walk there, silent.

We soon after arrived at the guild. Anyone who was already there immediately took to the triplets. Holding them, feeding them and such.

But the entire time, I could feel Allen's worried gaze burning into me. It shattered my heart that I couldn't tell him everything, but if I did, he would surely become even more concerned.

I knew he wouldn't tell anyone, for the sake of my trust in him. He was still right though. I needed help with this. I need to figure out whats going on. Who's causing all this? Or better yet,



Before I say anything else, I once again want to apologize. BUT, if it weren't for people such as @RoseDragneel01 and @keepsmiling101 then I wouldn't have gotten a good laugh, and this chapter would probably be put off EVEN LONGER.

Anyways, don't forget to;




... what type of EXTRA SPECIAL dragon slayer should Allen be?

Keep Livin' the Life,

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