Chapter 1

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 The room was pitch dark, no noises excepted for loud footsteps were heard. A few minutes pass, sounds of guns clicking on were echoing across the pitchless hallway. Three men were slowly approaching one door in the opposite direction in which they were standing in.

All of a sudden, a noise of stone hitting the solid ground was heard. The guards faced towards the noise just to ecounter instant death. Ear-piecing music of guns being fired and sounds of dead bodies hitting the floor caused one small boy out of his hiding spot.

He froze at the sight of blood, spilling across the room, almost reaching him. His breathing became quicker and all he could hear was the sound of the gun firing and his pounding heart.

The people who had killed his parents are now dead, so why isn't he happy?

That's because all he had wished for was a happy peaceful life with his family and friends, they were already in a group isolated away from citizens. He had forgotten the dark side of this world and that happiness doesn't last forever.  

He gripped the photo in between his hands. The last evidence that his people were once alive and happy, and the only item he has left from his family. He couldn't hear anything now, he didn't want to see anything anymore, all he wanted to do is to be away. 

Away from this cruel world.

Away from life.


The sudden noise that came from his own mouth had surprised him. His mind was screaming at him to stop, to run away as his mother had told him but he didn't. He couldn't.

"Leave me"

He hung his head down expecting another gunshot to be heard but this time, he didn't run. 

"Stupid boy"

A reply echoed back.

"Stand up"

The boy, while shaking, stood up. 

"Now run" 

The boy looked up to see no one there. His legs were trembling but obeyed, he turned around to run but didn't go as far as halfway before he fell into the ground, bleeding to death. The last thing he saw was the photo of his parents and sister soaked in his blood before falling into the hands of the dead.

"This is what happens to those who know too much"

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