Chapter 8

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Me: "Renjun"

I glared at him as his figure became more visible in the darkness. He was finally here after making me wait for half an hour at our agreed meeting place. Renjun pushed some bushes out of the way before facing me.

Me: "Is there's something wrong?"

Renjun nodded, he opened his mouth before closing it and taking some time to think.

Renjun: "They found Mark"

He said in an unusual small voice. His eyes watched my face break into relief.

Me: "But why are you only telling me this? Why not tell Jeno and Chenle as well?"

Renjun's eyes looked around at our surroundings. It was a peaceful night, a perfect temperature as well and it was an area far away from the hunts.

Renjun: "because, what I'm about to tell you would freak out that weak heart Chenle and make Jeno outraged. You're the only other person who should hear this"

I nodded and waiting patiently for Renjun to say his next sentence.

Renjun: "Mark's u

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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