Chapter 4

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I glanced back and forward but all I could see in total darkness was Chenle's neon green hair.

Why the hell is his hair so bright anyways?

Y/N: "You know. We're so far behind the others"

I whispered to Chenle, but of course, he isn't listening.

He threw multiple maps and objects into the floor, trying to find anything to eat inside the leather bag Haechan had given us like the hungry person he is. I groaned and began to wander around to check for any passing guards.

Chenle: "Hmmm, Y/N? You always keep almonds inside your bag, now would be a good time for you to whip them nuts out"

Y/N: "Do you think I'll bring my bag here? I left it in my room"

Chenle: "You're useless"

Y/N: "I can say the same about you"

That's when Chenle paused and began sniffing in the air.

Chenle: "I smell roasted chicken near here"

I stopped my footsteps, then panicked when I realized what he just said.

Y/N: "No, Chenle"

Chenle: "You can't stop me"

This kid isn't going to be alive in a few minutes.

Y/N: "Chenle, if there is food, there are guards"

Chenle:" And that would mean that the hunt is near here"

Y/N: "And you're going to die"

Chenle: "Not if I can help it"

I opened my mouth to spit out an insult when we both heard a fainted gunshot and Jaemins loud ass laugh echoing through the forest.

Y/N: "welp, its time to move"

Chenle: "But the chicken..."

I pushed everything back into the bag and forced Chenle on his feet.

Y/N: " We'll get some food later"

Out of the blue Jeno popped his head out of one of the green bushes.

Jeno: "You should start running now. You guys were too slow."

Y/N: "What? I can't hear you"

It's true, the only thing I could hear is gunshots mixed with Jaemins repetitive laugh. At this point, I'm about to turn deaf.

Jeno: "I said you should run now, Jaemin, Haechan and Jisung had already taken the weapons"


But to be fair we were slow.

That's when I felt a hand grab my arm to pull me away. I turned to see Jaemin huffing and puffing but his smile was still there. Haechan was standing next to him looking a bit pale.

Haechan: "I wish I could do that again but at the same time I want to vomit"

Jisung then appeared next to him, holding multiple bags.

Jisung: "Haechan's a bit sensitive to the sight of blood but you shouldn't worry about him"

Haechan began to look paler.

I continued to stare at the bags wondering what was inside of it when Jaemin caught my eye and smiled even more at me.

Jaemin: "You should have been there, one guard was in the toilet before we knocked him out and his head went right through the toilet hole"

Jisung: "It was horrible"

Jaemin: "It was beautiful"

Jeno pulled a face but then his eyes widened when a sudden light blinded us.

Guard: "Over here!"


Shoes smacking against the forest ground was heard everywhere around us including ours.

My poor new shoes.

Y/N: "Wheres Renjun and Mark?"

Jaemin gave out a weak laugh even though his breathing was a mess.

Jaemin: "That two scaredy- cats went back to our base"

Jisung:" More like they were sick of all those guns shoot noise"

The number of gunshots was enough to drive someone's sanity out of their body. I swear I'm about to go dead.

My breath shortened as we ran more distance.

There's no sign of stopping...

I felt my lungs gasping for air and my legs starting to weaken with every step I took. I tried my best to only focus on Jaemins voice, but it was impossible to ignore the pain and the sound of shoes rubbing against dry dirt.

My eyes dangled around the forest, looking for where the footsteps are going. I saw nothing except a small figure staring at us.

No, wait, scratch that. It's looking at me

My body shivered when I saw that it was still watching me with its dark soulless eyes, that were not blinking.

It's a small boy

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