Chapter 7

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Jeno didn't even blink when he shot the deer and watched as it smashed onto the floor.

Me and Chenle flinched.

Jeno: "And that's how it's done"

He handed the gun to me and pointed to a bird resting on a tree branch.

Jeno: "you try now"

I looked at the gun and back at the peaceful bird.

Me: "I don't know..."

Jeno glared at me. He grabbed my hands which was still holding the gun and pointed at a tree branch.

Jeno: "See that dot? Aim it at that and just pull the trigger."

I nodded nervously, what if my hands slip and I kill Jeno or Chenle?

I shook off those thoughts and just concentrated on the black dot a few metres in front of me.

Then shaking, I pulled the trigger.

I missed.

Instead, it left a dead rabbit bleeding to death.

I gasped and almost ran to pick it up but Jeno held me back.

Jeno: "Y/N"

He frowned.

Jeno: "you need to get used to seeing death or else you'll just be used as an advantage for the enemy"

I looked down and nodded. Jeno then proceeded to give my gun to Chenle.

After a few tried, he managed to shoot a flying bird.

Jeno: "you're doing better then I thought"

Chenle smiled proudly, for once he was praised for his skills.

Jeno: "that's enough for today"

Chenle and I then began packing our bags as Jeno placed the gun back inside a case.

Chenle: "I wonder if the others found Mark yet..."

I stopped packing and took a glance at him.

He looked so lonely and sad. He's been looking at the front door doing nothing but staring blankly at it for the past few days. It's been really quiet without half the group.

I took a step towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and let him bury his head into my shoulder.

Chenle: "I know that Jisung told me not to be afraid but...."

Chenle's tears began soaking my shirt but I didn't care what so ever. Chenle hasn't ever been seperated from Jisung for more then a day, they've known each other for years and gone through a lot as a pair. I know that he was suffering the most.

Chenle:"I'm scared"

I looked over at Jeno who was packing the bag with the gun inside it. Even though his head is turning the other way around, I could tell he was close to crying.

Chenle: "I'm scared of what our future holds."

I was about to cry with him but locked eyes with someone.


His eyes hold fear in them. His mouth was down into a frown and he was down-low. Once he saw me, his eyes widened but he mouthed something to me.

Meet me later.

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