Chapter 2

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Chenle: "Go to hell Jaemin"

He stuck out his tongue at the pouting Jaemin. In Jaemin's sucking mouth, lays Chenle's coke flavoured lollipop.

Jisung: "Just be happy that he didn't smoke"

Jisung was pressed against the wall, his iPhone balanced on his right hand and the left hand was in his pocket. The rest of the NCT Dream was playing UNO inside an abandoned shed while Jisung and Chenle were out on watch. Jaemin, on the other hand, had come out to originally smoke but got sight of Chenle's lollipop just there on the bench, unguarded.

Jaemin: "The night's nice tonight, isn't it?"

He said teasingly while purposely poking the lollipop out of the corner of his mouth.

Chenle: "You know what? Never mind, you have it, it has your saliva now"

Jisung rolled his eyes at the two boys in front of him. He glanced up and around to check if there was anyone there.

Jisung: "You guys are being too loud, what if the guards heard you?"

Now it was Chenle's turn to roll his eyes.

Chenle: "Then we shoot them"



My heart was racing as I pushed branches of trees off my face. It was pass midnight and here I was, in the middle of the forest because Haechan had decised that it would be fun to break anothor one of the country's rules.

No one is allowed to be out after 10 o'clock.

What if I get caught?

My heart pumped harder. If I was found, it would be the end of my life.

Jisung: "What took you so long?"

I turned around and almost screamed but Jisung had covered my mouth before I could react furthermore.

Jisung: "Jeez, you're just as jumpy as Chenle"

He slowly removed his hand away from my mouth then pointed to a slight light on my left. He mouthed something to me in silence.


I grabbed his arm, due to a rose of fright in my stomach. I faced another way, ready to run but Jisung pulled me back and into his chest. I buried myself into his chest while he pulled us behind a large tree. My breathing was a mess now.

My heart was pounding even more when I heard faint voices.

"Do you really think there would be people out here so late?"

"You don't know that, there are always some sort of trouble teenagers out here"

I heard one of them laugh.

"They're all so weak, they all think they're all mighty and can fight but honestly they always end up dead in the end"

The other one laughed as well.

"They'll do anything to survive, oh yeah, remember that family?"

I felt Jisung's hands tightening. The only thing I could do is stay still and not make a sound.

"That boy!"

Another laughter came from them.

"He thought he could run! He thought he was going to live! but really, they're all the same weak people"

That was all it took for Jisung to act. His feelings took the best of him and before long, the two guards were dead on the ground.

I couldn't look at him. Even though we've been friends for as long as I remember, he would never tell me why he was so sensitive to the story of one family who died trying to fight against the government but to be fair, in this country we all have secrets.

Jisung lowered his gun.

I still don't understand how he got his hands on a gun.

Jisung: "Let's go."

He placed his hands on my eyes blocking my view of the dead bodies before guiding me to the unknown. But I didn't do anything.


Because I trust him.

And in this country, trust is hard to find.

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