Chapter 6

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I was exhausted. My body was heavily relying on Renjun's grip, if he wasn't there I would have fallen to the ground.

Why am I here? 

Renjun covered my mouth with his hand to prevent anyone from hearing my heavy breathing. Everyone else was laying low and was prepared to fight if anything was to happen. 

Soon later a sound of footsteps began walking in front of us. I froze as I stared into the tiny hole in the bush. 


My eyes opened in confusion. 

The boy whom I saw before, was running.

Running away from a band of guards. 

Guard: "Stop right there!"

The boy was at a disadvantage. He was weak and slow while the guards were full-grown men who were stronger and well fed. I watched as they throw him face down onto the forest floor.

Guard: "Don't you ever think of escaping again"

One of the guards growled at the small boy but he wasn't looking at him, despite his arms being held harshly by the guard.

He was looking at me. 

His eyes pierced at the bushes and into my eyes through the hole. 

How? How did he see me?

Renjun must have noticed the tension of my body, he carefully pulled my body towards him so I was leaning away from the hole. 

I can still feel his glare

Who was that boy?

And why were the guards so crazy about finding him?

What is happening?


Haechan: "Remind me to never do that ever again"

He yawned as Jisung swang open the shed door. We were finally finished just as it was almost sun rise. 

As everyone scrambled across the room doing their things. I felt weird, curiosity and fear were the only things in my mind. 

Chenle: " Y/N, want to play UNO with us? Haechan's going to sleep and I really want to play another round" 

Jeno groaned and looked over at Jisung who was inspecting the weapons they had collected. 

Jeno: "What if they find us? They are sure to find out that someone stole their equipment" 

Jisung took a sip from his water bottle. 

Jisung: "That's why we're leaving tomorrow night" 


We all yelled at the same time. Then we heard a slam from the table. 

Chenle stood up angrily and looked as if he was ready to fight. Jeno pulled Chenle's arm to get him to sit down and shoved a chocolate bar at his face.

Jeno: "Calm down, have a Snickers bar"

Chenle threw the bar away.  I watched as it flew across the room and hit Jaemin's shoulders.

Chenle: "I can't leave! What about my younger sister and my mother?! What about our families!"

We all stayed silent. Sure we wanted to leave this place but Chenle has a point, What would happen to those we love?

Jisung looked up from the weapons to meet Chenle's eyes with the same expression. 

Jisung: "Chenle, did you forget your sister committed a crime a few days ago?"

Chenle paused, his face turning pale and he fell back into the wooden chair.

Jisung: "She stole some medicine,if I recall"

Jisung sigh and was hesitating to say the next sentence. 

Jisung: "S-she is sure to be executed in, at the most, a month if she is caught" 

My heart pounded and felt a wave of sorrow the moment I catch a glimpse of Chenle's face.

Chenle: "She's only twelve though!"

Jaemin: "But to the government, a crime is a crime regretting the age"

Chenle looked down and I saw fear. He loves his sister and mother, anyone wouldn't argue that, they were the only family member he had left and yet he was about to lose them to society and illness.

Chenle: "What if they don't catch her?"

He said in a quiet voice. 

Jisung: "Chenle, let's be real here. When has the government never caught anyone? It's impossible"

Another moment of silence.

Jeno: "What are you suggesting us to d-"

The door from outside banged open and Renjun came inside with an alarmed face.

Renjun: "Mark, he isn't here!"

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