Chapter 5

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Why though? Why is it here? Isn't it forbidden to be in this area this late?

What's strange was that my eyes were glued onto him until his figure disappeared slowly, but his eyes still burned into my mind.

His eyes looked hopeless and tired.

Jeno: "you okay Y/N?"

No, No I'm not

I tried to push the words out but all I could breath out was a cough. I had forgotten about my pain in my lungs for a minute.

Jisung looked back at me with worry spread across his face.

No one else looks tired expect me.

Jisung: "Maybe we should rest for a b-"

Jaemin shook his head and glared behind us.

Jaemin: "No can do captain, they're catching up"

They quickly ran over a large rock. Unfortunately, it took me longer as I had less energy.

Jaemin: "Y/N, hurry"

Jeno glared behind us before swiftly lifting me over. He took one look at my tired face and turned to Jisung with an open hand out.

Jeno: "Give me a gun"

Jisung hesitated.

Jisung: "You don't know how to use it"

Jeno: "Doesn't matter in this situation"

Jisung then understood that there was no other choice, he had injured his good arm, even though it was only slightly twisted, he couldn't use it without doing a mistake. He slowly handed over a pistol to Jeno just when the footsteps stopped.

Chenle: "What's happening?"

Everyone froze. This was very unusual, why isn't there any signs of anyone moving?

Renjun: "They most likely loss us"

I was breathing heavily with relieve, my legs would have given up if it wasn't for my arm around Jeno's neck. Jisung looked around to double-check that the coast was clear.

Chenle: "Well that is eas-"

He turned around and almost screamed at the sight of Renjun's breathing on his neck.

Chenle: "Where did you come from?"

Renjun gave an offended glance at Chenle before smacking him behind his head.

Renjun: "Mark was the only one who returned to the shed, I stayed here and waited for you guys"

Jaemin: "Still, you're a coward"

Renjun: "What do you mean!"

As they continue arguing, I felt a sickening feeling in my head. It must have shown because Jeno gave me a worried look.

Jeno: "We should hurry back, I don't think Y/N is feeling well..."

They stopped and looked at me.

Haechan: "And what about me?"

Jaemin: "As if anyone cares about you"

Haechan: "I thought you were supposed to be my friends?"

Jeno ignored Haechan's pitiful cries and carefully starts to move me to the direction we came from, but then stopped.

Jeno: "You guys hear that?"

Haechan: "what?"

I shook my head, all I could hear was wind gusting past us.

Jeno: "Something's coming' 

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