epilogue - return

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name


---(y/n) POV---

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---(y/n) POV---

Night has fallen, a cool ocean breeze gently running through the streets of Auradon, you looked up to the night sky, millions of stars before you.

"wow" you smiled, hearing Harry's voice, he stepped next to you, his mouth open in awe at the night sky. "its-its so pretty"

You hummed, smiling, you had to agree, where you lived light pollution prevented you from seeing all the starts, and in Auradon, even though there were a lot of lights, they seemed to be enchanted to not dim the night.

Harry wrapped his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into his side, you happily did so, grasping the back of his vest and leaning your head into the crook of his neck.

"I could stay here forever"


"miss (y/n)? Mr. Hook?"

The two of you froze, turning to see fairy godmother, looking sadly at both of you, holding her wand.

"no" you whispered, as Harry's grip on your shoulder tightened and he growled at FG.

"no! she can't go back, she just got here!!"

Fairy Godmother sighed, nodding "I know, but if she stays longer it'll be harder for her to go. Im sorry"

You whimpered, burying your face in Harry's chest, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"its not fair" you whispered, tears trailing down Harry's vest. He glared at FG, turning and wrapping his arms around you fully, burying his face in your hair.

"yeh can't go, yeh just can't!"

Fairy godmother felt awful, but you didn't belong in this world, and you had family and friends there, you couldn't just abandon them!

"miss (y/n)?" you sniffed turning to her.

"if you would like, you can say goodbye to your friends, I understand that last time you weren't really given the option to say it to them, other than harry"

You thought for a moment, before shaking your head. "n-no, it'll be too hard to leave"

FG nodded, understanding "alright, then we'll get started right away"

You looked up to harry, his eyes red and his face scrunched in sadness.

"I love you harry" you muttered, cupping his cheek and wiping away a stray tear that fell from his eye.

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