First Day| Chapter One

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"Ugh! I hate him, he such a-!" I stop myself, and take a breath trying to calm my nerves.

Here I was; first day of school. Tara and I are standing next to our car looking at Sam Golbach.

Y/n-"I waisted my whole summer on him!"

I narrowed my eyes and intensely looked at Sam and his  "Girlfriend" Kat, who is one of my closer friends.

Tara-"Don't be surprised, they are always off and on"

Tara-"This school is filled with single boys, there's someone out there...."

Tara's tone while saying those words was more like unsureness, which made me worried.
We both stood there looking at the students walking up to school, I had my arms crossed with a toxic look on my face.

Shea-"Stop acting like stalkers."

I took an exaggeration breath in, an attempt to calm down. I turn around and see Shea with her "minions". I just gave her this scowl.

Shea-"Y/n this year try not to be so... bad."
Y/n-"Well this time don't test me Princess, cuz we all know what I'm capable of."

I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying anything else. The heat flowed through my body. Tara grabs my arm and whisk me away.

We both walk into the hall full of students. I look around analyzing everyone's movement.

Tara-"Jake Weber!"

I look in Tara's direction to see Jake, one of our older friends. Tara immediately fixes her hair before Jakes walks up to us.

Jake-"Hey beautiful."
Tara-"Well hello handsome-"

Jake and Tara are practically dated, but neither of them have expected it.

Y/n-"I'd prefer *that* not to happen around me; the single one who is standing here."

Jake and Tara laugh making me roll my eyes. Jake had this look on his face as if to say he has "information".

Y/n-"Jake, I see the look on your face. Spill."

Jake-"Ok so we all know my best friend... and your "old"friend?"

Tara-"Yes. Um One of Y/n's most hated person."

I immediately playfully slap Tara's arm.  I lean against the lockers and cross my arms waiting to hear what Jake has to say.

Jake-"So we all remember our old best friend, Colby Brock?!"

Y/n-"Who could forget bad-boy- Colby? Too bad he got expelled."

Jake-"The word is, that he's coming back."

My heart immediately dropped. I was so shocked I couldn't imagine what to say. Colby Brock was a guy who made But that all changed; he turned into something that was dark and hateful.

Tara-"Is he here!"
Jake-"No idea."

"He- I cant." My voice was shaky, I still couldn't comprehend what was going on in my head.

Jake-"Sam Golbach might know, his dad is the one who works with all the school stuff-"

Tara-"Like y/n would talk to him."

"Would too." I say slowly. I was distracted.

I looked around trying to see if I saw Colby, but that's when my eyes came across Sam. He was on his phone. Even after summer, he was still looking as good as ever. Maybe this year will be our year-

Tara-"Go talk to him,Y/n. Oh if you do get info on Colby."

Y/n-"His girlfriend will probably come rolling around in any second now."

Jake-"Well I'm gonna talk to Sam and get some info."

Jake walks up to Sam and crosses his arms, he gives Sam a playful look which made him roll his eyes.

Sam-"Yes Jake?!"
Jake-"Is it true?! Colby Brock is back."
Sam-"You've got it."

Jake had the biggest smile on his face, which made me realize that the rumors were true.

Sam-"My dad, aka Mr. Golbach, thinks that this would be a good idea if Colby comes back into a public school."

Jake-"Well if he's here, then hell will break out."

Sam looked annoyed that Colby was coming back. I felt a little uncomfortable just standing 5 feet away from them; eavesdropping on their conversation, but I couldn't wait, I needed to know if the well known Colby Brock is here.

Sam-"Thats What I told my dad, but he thinks he should come back."
Jake-"Then where is he?!"

Sam could feel the orra of the room change, he rolls his eyes and I look behind him. My eyes trailed up his body to his eyes. The tall brown haired boy, wearing all black with a tighter shirt showing the faint muscles under his shirt.

Colby-"Miss me, Jake Weber?!"
Jake-"How could I not."
" My father didn't want you here yet." Sam says as he turns around; looking at Colby

Sam rolls his eyes, Colby's presence made every girl attracted to him, and every guy scared to follow his direction.

Colby-"I wanted to crash school."

Colby Brock immediately made me annoyed, I stayed against the lockers with my arms crossed. I forgot how arrogant this guy was. Colby eyes trailed around the room then landed on mine.

Colby-"Is that..."

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