First Laid Eyes on You

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Mae's POV

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Mae's POV

"Keone come on it's time to go!" I called out, putting on my earrings.

I can't believe we're running late! Today's the day of the annual hula festival in Long Beach and I can't help but feel a little nervous. My friend asked me to cover for her at work today since she was supposed to perform at the festival. It's a paid gig so of course, I took it but I couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

I'm not nervous about the possibility of bumping into someone from my past. After I found out I was pregnant with Keone, my parents kicked me out and I started living off my friend's couch. That was until I bumped into Chance one day and he found out about my situation. That day he agreed to let me stay with him until I was stable enough to get my own place. That was four years ago, and I haven't seen or spoken to anyone from Hawaii since then, not even my own brother.

"Mama Uncle Chance is here!" I hear Keone yell as I hear the sound of little footsteps racing towards the door. As I glanced at the mirror to put the finishing touches I noticed Chance leaning against my doorframe staring at me.

(this is what he's wearing)

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(this is what he's wearing)

"What is it?" I laughed tucking back a strand of hair behind my ear as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You look very pretty today" he mumbled in my ear.

"I thought I was pretty every day?" I say giving him a puzzled look.

"No, I said that you are beautiful every day, but today you are just pretty beautiful." He kissed my cheek and spun me around so that way my head was on his chest and his chin rested on my head.

Before you ask, no Chance and I are NOT a couple. And no, Chance is not Keone's father either but he's like a father figure to Keone and I love Brooklyn as if she was my own child. To be completely honest, if it weren't for Chance, Keone wouldn't be here. He helped me through every step of my pregnancy, from my mood swings to cravings, he was always there. Every doctor's appointment, ultrasound, hell he was the one who cut the umbilical cord! So we have an undeniable connection but nothing romantic. I think both of us are just naturally flirty people? It's difficult to explain but all I know is that I love our little family that we've created. It may seem weird and unorthodox but it works and honestly, we're really happy. 

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