I got a second chance

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Tom's POV

Ahh, it feels good to be back in LA. I'm not gonna lie, even though it was amazing being home in London, I did miss this city. Since my business meeting had finished early I decide to walk around LA. I wasn't super worried about being recognized because I had recently shaved my head but I still wore a hoodie and sunglasses for precaution. As much as I missed the city itself, I can't help but to think about Mae.

When I left, I felt like a complete dumbass because I never got the chance to talk to her. Like honestly WHY AM I SUCH A DIV?! I could've said ANYTHING! But no I was a little bitch and I didn't do shit. I wish I could just have a do-over with her. There are so many things that I wish I did differently. I wish I could've just walked in there and say "hey I'm Tom, I'm the one who saved you" or "I'm glad you're okay" or even a simple hi would've sufficed. Sadly, it didn't work out that way. If only I could see her again, I mean Jacob offered to set something up but if I'm going to be quite honest, and trust me this is going to sound so stupid. My pride is at stake! I mean not to sound like an asshole but you know, I'm Tom fucking Holland. I play Spiderman, a 15-year-old kid who answers to the call of danger, but yet when a girl I like wakes up I chicken out? How stupid is that?! These thoughts continue to rack around my brain when suddenly I feel my body collide with a woman.

"Woah there! You okay?" I say grabbing her lightly by the shoulders.

She whispers something in a quick but hushed tone but I couldn't hear her.

"What did you say? I'm sorry I can't quite hear y-" My words were cut off as she collided her lips with mine.

My body stayed frozen for a moment, still trying to process what was happening. But eventually, I felt myself close my eyes and cave into her touch. I lightly dropped my hands down to her waist as her arms snaked around my neck. Our lips move in such synchronicity that it's indescribable. I'll admit when I say that when she pulled away moments later I was sad but expression instantly changed as soon as I saw her.

Mae's POV
I pulled away from the guy once I saw Jonah run off in the opposite direction. Oh my god, that was so close. So much adrenaline was rushing through my body that I felt myself start to get dizzy. I guess the guy noticed because he wrapped one his arms around me to keep me stable.

"Woah there, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good thank you," I said regaining my balance.

As I get up, I try to get a good look at the guy but he shies away as soon as I get up. Poor guy I probably just freaked him out. He probably thinks I'm a psycho freak who's on crack or something.

Tom's POV
OH MY GOD, SHE KISSED ME! I'm probably smiling like the biggest idiot right now but I don't even care.




Mae's POV

Why is he staring at me like that? He's been smiling at me like that for the last two minutes. Maybe it's just because he's wearing the hoodie and sunglasses but this is just getting weird. maybe he's on crack? I should just say goodbye before this gets too awkward.

Tom's POV 

"Hey um I'm sorry for kissing you suddenly. I was trying to hide from someone and I panicked. I'm sorry if I freaked out." She said looking down towards the ground.

I could tell that she was embarrassed though because I saw her face turn a tint of crimson before she hid her face. 

"Well umm, I should probably let you go. Have a nice day and again I'm sorry." She started to walk away and I tried to say something but nothing came out.

When We Fell in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora