Brothers are Torn Apart

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 Chance's POV

"Wait, so they know?" I try so hard not to spit out my food as she looks down and nods.

"The guys do but Jonah doesn't" I can tell she's really stressing about this.

When she first told me that Jonah was the father, I offered to reintroduce them since I've spoken with him a couple of times but she refused. Anytime I brought it up she would just make an excuse about how its "not the right time" or "he'll think I'm lying". It made me really mad and upset sometimes because I put myself in his shoes. Like if I never knew about Brooklyn, my life would probably be so different right now. But the thought of never knowing just breaks my heart. I'd never wish for anyone to experience that.

"Chance, I don't know what to do"

"Mae you've gotta tell him" I look at her with

concern in my eyes.

As much as I wish she would've done this sooner, I still want to make sure that she's okay.

"But I want to do it in person"

"Then do it"

"Chance it's not that simple, they're in Australia right now. Even when they come back to the states they're gonna be on the Jingle Ball tour till Christmas"

"Okay so why don't you just go to Australia?"

"Because that's a plane ticket that I can't afford"

"I'll pay for it" She laughs, playing with her water.

Aww that's cute, she thinks I'm joking. I look at her with stern eyes and her face falls from the once cheery expression hat was there moments ago.

"No, Chance"

"Mae, the guys already know. It's only a matter of time till one of them cracks. I'm not saying that they can't keep a secret but I am saying that every second that they don't tell him, guilt starts flowing in."

"I know but-"

"You've been putting this off for four years, it's time."

"Thank you" I lookout her and see the tears streaming down her face.

"Hey, stop crying you werido, you're getting tears all over the food" we both chuckle but our laughter was cut short by her ringtone going off. She looks at her phone and a smile beams across her face.

"Ooooo who's that?" I nudge her making her laugh.

"Oh it's Parker, he's just confirming our date later on tonight" Hearing the word "date" sent a shock of pain through my body.

Woah, that was weird.

"Date? Wow who is she?" I joked.

"Oh shut up! I know it's been awhile since I've been on a date but you keep telling me to go out and meet new people so I figured I'd try it out."

"Well you're right. It HAS been a while since you've been on a date, you're probably really rusty." She punches my shoulder and we start laughing

"Oh my god! I still have nothing to wear! Do you mind picking up Keone? Pleaseeeeeeeee"

"Of course"

I get in my car, lean my back on the seat and sigh. Why did I feel a little hurt when she said she had a date? Was it because she didn't tell me? No, that's a really stupid reason. Maybe it was something I ate? But we've eaten here so many times, I've never had this problem before. It was probably nothing to serious, I'll just let it go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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