We Met Again

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Jonah's POV

I took a brief moment to look at the girl, is it really her? She looked very different but I never forget a voice. My mind starts to fill with all the memories we had together when we were in Hawaii.

----------Flashback to 2015------------

Since it's summer my family and I decided to spend a week in Hawaii and honestly, so far so good. We landed earlier this morning so everyone is pretty beat. I, on the other hand, wanted to go watch the sunset so I grabbed my stuff and headed down to the beach.

I walk along the shore of the beautiful Waikiki beach allowing my feet to sink into the sand, every grain trickling in between my toes. I walk for a little while when I hear a faint voice singing. The voice was so bewitching, I fell into a trance. I follow the melody to the end of the beach where a large rock wall stood in my way. I hesitate for a moment but before I knew it, I landed on the other side.

I continue to follow the melodious sound as it lures me deeper and deeper towards a cave. I peek inside to see a girl standing alone, wow she's beautiful. I watched as her long brown hair swayed as she moved to the rhythm of the song. Her tan skin reminded me of the golden sand that cascades the island. Her back was facing towards me so I knew that she was unaware of my presence. I wanted to say something but I just couldn't. Her angelic song had me set in a trance as she continued to sing Fall by Ed Sheeran. I don't know what came over me but I suddenly started singing with her.

Our voices sang in such perfect harmonies as strangers met through their love of music. The blending of our voices was alluring.

Or at least that's what I would say if it had happened like that. The sad reality is that she got scared and slapped me. Wow, was not expecting that.

"Ouch, that hurt", I say rubbing my cheek.

"Dude, you scared me! Didn't anyone tell you never to sneak up on people?" She yelled.

"I'm sorry! I was going to say something but I was enchanted by your voice," I say sheepishly.

"Well thank you but flattery won't get you anywhere" She crosses her arms and looks at the floor.

I take this chance to take a step closer to her but she backs away.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you" I place my arms up showing that I come in peace.

I continue you to step forward until I'm about 4 feet away from her. As I get closer I take advantage to get a better look of her. Her hair was slightly wavy and was now all pushed to one side as she nervously fiddled with it. She was wearing a We stay silent for a moment until she speaks up.

"I'm sorry for hitting you" she sighed.

"That's okay, I kinda deserved it. I didn't mean to scare you" I explain.

"I know, sorry I'm just not used to people knowing about this place. Are you new to the island?" She says walking around me like shes observing.

"Yeah, I'm here on vacation."

"I can tell" She stops in front of me and I can't help but feel like she's making fun of me.

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