Truth Comes Out

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 Mae's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and see Corbyn's name pop up on the screen. Ughhh what time is it?

4 am

Seriously dude? They probably forgot about the time difference, again. The boys started up their tour again and we've gotten pretty close. I'm still not super close with Jonah but at least we can hold a decent conversation now without being super awkward. I still haven't told any of the guys about Keone. I'm worried that they'll piece it together and even though Jonah and I are on good terms right now, I just want to wait till we get a little closer to tell him. Plus I want to tell him in person, doing it over FaceTime is just rude. I decide to answer the call since I haven't really talked to corny since they left Malaysia.

"Hello?" I rub my eyes trying to adjust the brightness of the screen.

"Shit I forgot time difference again didn't I?" I nod and laugh as he face palms himself.

"Fuck I'm sorry Mae, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's all good"

"Soooo whatcha up to??"

"Well I was sleeping until SOMEBODY woke me up so now I'm just laying wide awake in bed"

"IM SORRYYYYYY! I just wanted to talk to my best friend for who I haven't seen in forever. SUE ME!"

"Corbyn I talked to you a week ago, but I miss you too haha"

"What time is it there?"

"Four in the morning"

"Damn my bad Mae, I feel really bad now."

"Nah it's okay, I have to get ready in an hour anyway."

"Oooo early day today?"

"Something like that haha. You guys are in Jakarta right now right?"

"Yeah we leave for Australia in a couple of hours. God, stalker much?"

"I don't have to stalk you since you guys update your status every single day"

"So you follow us? Wow such a stalker"

"Oh shut up bean!"

"That's Christina's nickname for me!"

"Well tell her I'm borrowing it!"


"DO IT I DARE YOU! But don't get your feelings hurt when she takes my side"





"JONAHHHHH! Mae is being SOOOOOOOOOOOOO rude right now! I'm about to fight her"

"Why what happened?" He laughs as Corbyn hands him the phone, pouting in the background.

"Corbyn's just mad because I called him Bean"

"But that's Christina's nickname for him"


"But Christina loves me more"

"She's not wrong man"

"Dude WhO's SiDe ArE yOu On?!?" We all start bust out laughing.

"Mae shouldn't you be asleep? It's like four in the morning right now."

"Well I WASSSSS until SOMEBODY deci-" before I could even finish Corbyn grabs the phone and runs back to his room.

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