•I Hate You But I Love You• (Mpreg)

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Warning- Mpreg and slight cussing.

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Requested by DJMangle123

•~No One's POV~•

It was just a normal day for the gang. Edd down stairs petting Ringo while sitting on the couch. Matt was next to him looking into his mirror, dashing as always. Tord? He was outside. Edd told him if he was going to go smoke, to take it outside. Of course, before that 'mother Edd' tried to stop him from even attempting to light one of those 'cancer sticks'. Tom was upstairs sleeping. He's not much of a morning person.

*~With Tom~*

Tom woke up, yawning and stretching. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked over to the clock, it read 11:49. He groaned and got to his feet, leaning on his bedside table for support. He felt a rush of pain all over his body. He felt something start to come up in his throat. He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom.

*~Down Stairs~*

Tord had just walked back in the house from his little 'break' and he flopped down in the arm chair. Edd watch Tord as he flopped down. Tord looked like a mess, probably because he didn't brush his hair, his hoodie reeked of smoke and alcohol. 

'Wait, but Tord doesn't drink.' Edd thought to himself.

"Hey, Tord?" Edd asked the messy Norwegian.

"Hmm?" He responded while looking at his phone.

"Did you drink last night?" Edd asked curious of to what he had been up to.

"Nope. I don't drink." He said, eyes not looking away from his screen.

"Then why do you smell like alcohol?" Edd asked raising an eyebrow. Edd knew that something must have happened between Tom and Tord last night. Tom's the only one who drinks. Tord on the other hand, had beads of sweat going down his face. He look guilty of doing something.

"I-.. Don't know what your talking about! Heh. Heh. Heh." Tord said fully sitting up and looking in all directions.

"Oh really?" Edd asked very suspicious of Tord. Edd glared at Tord. Tord could feel his gaze burning through his head.

"Tord, what exactly happened-" Edd start but was cut off by a scream. They all jumped at the loud scream. They knew it was Tom.

"Tom are you okay?!" Edd yelled up the stairs as ran towards them. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs when he heard Tom.

"Yeah! I'm fine!" Edd heard Tom yell.

"TORD GET YOUR A$$ UP HERE!" Tom yell angrily.

Tord saw this as his window to get away from the conversation with Edd. He rush up stairs to Tom's room and opened the door. Tom was sit on his bed. He was hugging his knees to his chest. Tord walked closer and saw Tom had some tears rolling down his face.

"Tom, what's wrong?" Tord asked with a gentle voice. Tord was worried about Tom. Tom never cries. The only time he cries is when something happens to Edd or Matt, and when you ask him about his past. Which all of them have learned not to do. Tord sat down next to Tom and cuddled him.

"Tord.." Tom finally says after a minute.

"Yes, kjærlighet." Tord says while they pull away from each other.

"Before I show this to you, I want you to keep an open mind. Okay?" Tom said calming down a bit.

"Okay." Tord says as he smiles warmly. Tom takes out a plastic bag that has a white stick in it. He shows it to Tord. Tord's eyes widened. He was smiling but crying at the same time.

'Positive' It read. Tord hugged Tom saying loving things to him. They were going to be parents.

Comment if you want a part 2. Thank you @DJMangle123  for this request. I loved writing this. ^^

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